Implementation of a Web and mobile application for vehicle mobilization management based on agile methodology using Representational State Transfer Services

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Diego Fernando Avila-Pesantez
Evelyn Elizabeth Sánchez-Centeno
Giovanni Xavier Aranda-Cóndor
Luz Miriam Avila-Pesantez


Web and mobile application development is an important component within a modern organization, as it enables you to manage your processes efficiently. With this approach, this work details the analysis, design, and implementation of these applications for the management of more flexible and timely information in the control of vehicular mobilization that is managed by the Transport Management Unit of Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH). The software was developed under the Scrum methodology and Representational State Transfer Services (REST), which allowed the development team and users to be adequately involved to design the necessary functionalities of the system. To evaluate the efficiency of the processes carried out by end-users, the response times of the old system versus the automated system were measured, significantly improving the management of these processes.


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How to Cite
Avila, D., Sánchez, E., Aranda, G., & Avila, L. (2020). Implementation of a Web and mobile application for vehicle mobilization management based on agile methodology using Representational State Transfer Services. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6), 4-12.
Author Biographies

Diego Fernando Avila-Pesantez, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador


System Engineer from the Universidad Católica de Cuenca (1995), holds a master's degree in Internetworking (Chile, 2002) and a master's degree in Applied Informatics (2004) and. Currently, he finished his doctorate studies in Computer and System Engineering (Ph.D.). He did pre-doctoral stays at the Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spain) and Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (Brazil). His research has generated 20 indexed scientific publications in the area of ​​ICT and Information Security. Professor with 25 years of undergraduate and postgraduate experience in the Networking & Educational Informatics areas in different IES (ESPOCH, UNACH, UTA, PUCESI, PUCESA, Universidad de Cuenca, UTMach, UTB, among others).

Evelyn Elizabeth Sánchez-Centeno , Unidad Educativa Cristiana Verbo - Ecuador


1993), is a System engineer, specialized in the development of computer systems and projects at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. In 2019, she stands out as a project and research teacher at the Unidad Educativa Cristiana Verbo

Giovanni Xavier Aranda-Cóndor, Cooperativa de Ahorro y crédito San Francisco - Ecuador

Giovanni Aranda (Ecuador, 1994), he is a system engineer and researcher, specialized in the development of computer projects, graduated from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo, graduates with honors.

He currently works as support in the corporate and financial processes at the Cooperativa de ahorro y Credito San Francisco.

Luz Miriam Avila-Pesantez, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador

L. Miriam Avila has 30 years of teaching service in the field of Sciences and Education. He currently works at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), in the Faculty of Science.

He obtained a Master's degree in Intelligence Development and Education (2014). She is studying the second Master's Degree in Mathematics, Mention in Modeling, and Teaching. Now she is part of the GIRETME- ESPOCH research group


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