The right to a defense through testimonial evidence within the sanctioning administrative procedure

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Carlos Fernando Buenaño-Bayas
Jorge Santiago Vallejo-Lara


The purpose of this study is to carry out an analysis of the right to defense through testimonial evidence, within the administrative sanctioning procedure applied in the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of the Riobamba canton. The components of the due process that must be applied within this procedure are explored so that the right to defense by the administration and the administered is effective. A qualitative and documentary approach was carried out, where the results of the doctrinal and legal analysis were contrasted with the opinion of experts obtained through a survey. The following research methods were applied as research methods: inductive, analytical and descriptive; the research is of a non-experimental design, of a legal-analytical and legal-descriptive type. From the analysis it is concluded that in the administrative procedure the right to defense is affected in the practice of testimonial evidence, in the dimensions of contradicting the evidence, being heard by an independent and impartial authority, while the principle of immediacy and orality that are inherent to all sanctioning procedures is violated. 


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How to Cite
Buenaño-Bayas , C. ., & Vallejo-Lara , J. . (2025). The right to a defense through testimonial evidence within the sanctioning administrative procedure . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 745-757.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carlos Fernando Buenaño-Bayas , Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Penipe - Ecuador

Attorney General and legal representative of the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of the Penipe canton, public servant of free appointment and removal with experience in administrative law. Legal researcher with publications as author and co-author in national and international indexed journals. 

Jorge Santiago Vallejo-Lara , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

A career public servant in the Judicial Service (Public Defender), I have three master's degrees in Constitutional, Criminal and Administrative Law. I have carried out several investigations in high-impact indexed journals in Q3 and Q4 quartiles, as well as regional journals. I have directed several master's theses as their tutor. 


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