Analysis of the budget execution, based on descriptive statistics, of the Portoviejo Health District

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José Rolando Casanova-Casanova
Dayana Valdés-Pérez


The present article is the result of the study carried out in the Health District of Portoviejo with the objective of analyzing the budget execution through the use of descriptive statistics applied in the period from 2017 to 2019, in order to evaluate its evolution and economic performance by programs. The research has a mixed approach, based on documentary information that was deepened with the use of techniques such as interviews, surveys and the use of descriptive statistics. As part of the analysis, the standard deviation, mean, and variance of a factor (ANOVA) is calculated to compare several groups in a quantitative variable. The data from the analysis of one factor variance establishes the 12 budget items of Program 90 Health Services Provision and Delivery as dependent variables and the 3 periods of the budget execution percentage as independent variables. The results show that the period with the greatest dispersion of its data is 2019 with 24. 18%, and it can be corroborated that the analysis of the budget execution and the application of instruments that allow for this purpose contribute to the improvement of economic performance and decision-making by areas of responsibility in the health sector.


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How to Cite
Casanova, J., & Valdés, D. (2020). Analysis of the budget execution, based on descriptive statistics, of the Portoviejo Health District. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5-1), 16-25.
Author Biographies

José Rolando Casanova-Casanova, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Engineer in Audit and Accounting CPA in the University San Gregorio of Portoviejo, with more than 2 years working in the Zonal Coordination 4 of Health Manabí - Santo Domingo, Master of the Third Semester of Business Administration, Mention: Management of the Quality and Productivity of the Pontifical Catholic University of the Ecuador Headquarters Manabí.

Dayana Valdés-Pérez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Doctor in Accounting and Financial Sciences, Master in Management Accounting, professor of Business Administration and coordinator of the Master in Business Administration at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Manabí Campus.


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