Guía didáctica para el mejoramiento de las habilidades caligráficas en los estudiantes de tercer año de la E.G.B

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María Silvana Castro-Carrera
Mayra Alexandra Montenegro-Andrade
Roger Martínez-Isaac


The present study aims to evaluate the feasibility of a didactic guide designed to improve the handwriting skills of third-year E.G.B. students at the Unidad Educativa “Pusir Grande”, where 47% of the students obtained grades within the categories acceptable and needs improvement, reflecting a considerable problem in the application and knowledge of important handwriting indicators. The research was based on the theories of multisensory learning, playful learning, and practical guided instruction activities. Instruments such as interviews and notebook reviews were validated using one-on-one question formats from similar studies and assessment rubrics, respectively. After a rigorous methodological process, the results were evaluated, and a proposal was created using modeling with a system-based approach to be subsequently validated by experts in the field. The pre-experimental results of the didactic guide application showed improvements in legibility, letter size consistency, spacing, letter shape, letter inclination, use of guidelines, and overall presentation of the evaluated handwriting notebooks 


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How to Cite
Castro-Carrera , M. ., Montenegro-Andrade , M. ., & Martínez-Isaac, R. (2025). Guía didáctica para el mejoramiento de las habilidades caligráficas en los estudiantes de tercer año de la E.G.B . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 709-726.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

María Silvana Castro-Carrera , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Maria Silvana Castro, full professor at the“Pusir Grande” Educational Unit. I obtained my degree in Educational Sciences at the Technical University of Ambato. I have 28 years of teaching experience at the Basic General Education Level. 

Mayra Alexandra Montenegro-Andrade , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Mayra Alexandra Montenegro Andrade, a graduate in Educational Sciences, obtained my degree at the Technical University of Ambato, I worked as a mathematics teacher in Upper Basic Education, currently a full professor at the Pusir Educational Unit as a teacher of the General Basic Education level at the secondary sub-level with 8 years of experience. 

Roger Martínez-Isaac , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


He holds a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, a Master's degree in Educational Research, a Specialization in Pedagogy and Psychology, and a Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences. He has worked in various higher education institutions, both national and international, including: the University of Pedagogical Sciences "Frank País García," the University of Physical Culture Sciences, the Higher Institute of Art, the University of Oriente in Santiago de Cuba, the Bolivarian Institute of Technology, and currently at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. 

With 28 years of professional experience, he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate programs. He has supervised more than 60 master's theses and 10 doctoral dissertations, focusing on teacher training, attention to educational diversity, didactics, and virtual education. His participation in prestigious international events and his publications in journals recognized by the pedagogical community highlight his scientific and research work. 

In the field of virtual education, he has obtained the following certifications: 

  • Specialization in Design and Development of Virtual Courses, ITMadrid, Spain. 
  • Certification in Virtual Teaching, Benito Juárez University, Mexico. 
  • Certification in Instructional Design and E-learning Project Management, Benito Juárez University, Mexico. 

This has allowed him to strengthen his pedagogical skills to work as a specialist in the design and development of online education. He has designed curricula for careers and programs in the field of education with an innovative approach and in line with current trends in teacher training. He leads the Didactics and Educational Management in Basic Education project, which received the award for the project with the most publications in 2023 by UBE. 



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