Educational Video Games and Their Influence on Cognitive Mathematics Skills in Basic Education Students

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Miriam Arias-Calvache
Cindy Paola Garces-Acosta
Clara Pilataxi-Quinte
Ines Beatriz Pilataxi-Quinte
Margarita Del Rocio Pilataxi-Quinte


Educational video games have garnered increasing interest in educational research due to their ability to promote active participation and meaningful learning, particularly in mathematics, where global challenges persist in developing essential cognitive skills. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the use of educational video games on the development of cognitive skills related to mathematics among eighth-grade students at the “Fray Enrique Vacas Galindo” Educational Unit, in the city of Puyo. The methodology adopted a quantitative approach, employing a non-experimental, cross-sectional design and working with a census sample of 30 students. A validated and highly reliable structured questionnaire was used. The results highlighted a positive perception of educational video games, with significant improvements observed in cognitive skills such as logical reasoning and working memory. Statistical analyses confirmed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.78, p < 0.01) between the use of these tools and cognitive skill development. Additionally, participants agreed on the importance of integrating video games into innovative pedagogical strategies. It is concluded that educational video games are effective tools for enhancing mathematical learning, and their implementation is recommended to foster meaningful and dynamic learning experiences. 


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How to Cite
Arias-Calvache , M. . ., Garces-Acosta , C. ., Pilataxi-Quinte , C. ., Pilataxi-Quinte , I. ., & Pilataxi-Quinte , M. . (2025). Educational Video Games and Their Influence on Cognitive Mathematics Skills in Basic Education Students . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 633-643.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Miriam Arias-Calvache , Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador

Msc. Miriam Arias Calvache, soy Lcda. en Sistemas computacionales con 4 años de experiencia como profesora de computación en Educación Básica.

 Realice una Maestría en Educación Básica en la Universidad Estatal de Milagro.

Cindy Paola Garces-Acosta , Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador

MSc. CINDY PAOLA GARCES ACOSTA I am an ING. Civil I like to share my knowledge, teach and reach each person. I have been teaching my knowledge as a teaching assistant for 5 years. 

Complete a Master of Science from Milagro State University. 



Clara Pilataxi-Quinte , Ministerio De Educacion / Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador

MSc. Clara Pilataxi Quinte is an educator with over 25 years of experience in the field of education. She holds a Master's degree in Education Sciences from the Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Currently, she is a teacher at the "Fray Enrique Vacas Galindo" Educational Unit in the Province of Pastaza, Canton of Pastaza.

Ines Beatriz Pilataxi-Quinte , Ministerio De Educación / Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador

MSc. Inés Beatriz Pilataxi Quinte is an educator with over 19 years of experience in the field of education. She holds a Master's degree in Education Sciences from the Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Currently, she is a teacher at the "Vencedores" Intercultural Bilingual Community Education Center in the Province of Pastaza, Canton of Pastaza. 

Margarita Del Rocio Pilataxi-Quinte , Ministerio De Educación / Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador

MSc. Margarita del Rocío Pilataxi Quinte is an educator with over 18 years of experience in the field of education. She holds a Master's degree in Education Sciences from the Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Currently, she is a teacher at the "Veracruz" Educational Unit in the Province of Pastaza, Canton of Pastaza


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