Analyze the influence of job satisfaction factors on the development of a good work environment in the workers of the GADM-Riobamba Municipal Chamber

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Alexander Paúl Pazmiño-Riofrio
Paúl Andrés Herrera-Zumárraga


The present study aims to analyze the influence of job satisfaction factors on the development of a good work environment in the GADM-Riobamba Municipal Slaughterhouse. The objective is to determine how job satisfaction factors affect employees' perception of their work environment, and how this affects their satisfaction, motivation and performance, in order to contribute to improving the quality of life of the entity's workers. To carry out the study, an exploratory and descriptive research was carried out, based on a correlational scope design. Theoretical sources on the subject were analyzed using the methods of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis; as part of the empirical research, data were collected through separate surveys of job satisfaction and work environment, in addition to direct observation at the GADM-Riobamba Municipal Slaughterhouse. The population considered was 80 workers from administrative and operational areas, all of whom were subjected to data collection instruments. The results of the surveys were coded and tabulated, so that an analysis is presented that allows the variables of job satisfaction and work environment to be evaluated accurately; it also allowed identifying the need to improve the organizational culture to promote a positive work environment. The study carried out will benefit both the workers of the GADM-Riobamba Municipal Slaughterhouse and other similar organizations interested in improving their work environment through the management of organizational culture. It is expected that this research will contribute to the well-being and productivity of employees, showing a positive impact in the workplace. The main result was that the most relevant category that links the dimension of work environment with performance in the entity is communication and decision making, from which it can be deduced that to the extent that improvement strategies are adopted in each component of this category, the levels of work environment will increase their results. 


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How to Cite
Pazmiño-Riofrio , A. ., & Herrera-Zumárraga , P. . (2025). Analyze the influence of job satisfaction factors on the development of a good work environment in the workers of the GADM-Riobamba Municipal Chamber . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 546-558.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Alexander Paúl Pazmiño-Riofrio , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Soy un profesional, que valora profundamente la Psicología Organizacional como un puntal fundamental para las empresas y organizaciones que se respetan y quieren crecer integralmente. Me gusta identificarme con la entidad a la que sirvo. Siempre estoy dispuesto a dar lo mejor de mí, desde la posición en que me encuentre. Tengo un buen manejo de las relaciones humanas, sé trabajar en equipo, capacitar grupos y no tengo problemas con la autoridad. 

Paúl Andrés Herrera-Zumárraga , Universidad UTE del Ecuador - Ecuador

Paúl Andrés Herrera Zumárraga, es Maestro en Administración con la especialidad en Estrategia y Política Corporativa por el Tecnológico de Monterrey de México e Ingeniero Empresarial por la Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador. Se ha desempeñado como consultor, facilitador y docente en varios países de América Latina, en el desarrollo de Modelos de Gestión Estratégica, Organizacional y del Talento Humano. Actualmente es Docente de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales  de la Universidad UTE y Docente de la Dirección de Posgrado de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo del Ecuador.  


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