Emotional intelligence in academic performance in a 9-year-old girl

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Gellibert Stalin Suarez-Reyes
María Azucena Neira-Yagual
Juan Alejandro Muñoz-García
Fátima Ximena Rialpe-Valiente
Byron Armando Solano-Clemente


The present study explored the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance, whose objective was to determine the influence of emotional intelligence on the academic performance of a 9-year-old girl. Using a phenomenological approach and qualitative design, emotional and contextual factors that influence their academic performance were analyzed. Data collection tools included structured interviews, participant observation, the Mesquite Emotional Intelligence Test and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Test, which allowed a comprehensive view of the case. The findings indicated that the girl has a low level of emotional intelligence, with a score of 6 in the Mesquite Test, associated with predominant emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger and sadness. These emotions affect their social interactions and limit their ability to participate in group activities. In contrast, he shows interest and outstanding skills in artistic activities such as drawing and painting, suggesting an area of potential development. The Rosenberg Self-esteem Test showed a low score of 24, indicating problems with self-esteem related to their dysfunctional family environment and lack of maternal supervision. This negatively impacts their academic performance and interpersonal relationships. It was concluded that psychosocial stress and family dynamics play a significant role in its development, corroborating previous theories about the influence of emotional and contextual factors on learning. 


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How to Cite
Suarez-Reyes , G., Neira-Yagual , M. ., Muñoz-García , J. ., Rialpe-Valiente , F. ., & Solano-Clemente , B. . (2025). Emotional intelligence in academic performance in a 9-year-old girl . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 583-593. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2025.2.3058
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Gellibert Stalin Suarez-Reyes , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


I have a degree in Basic Education and a master’s degree in Psycho-pedagogy. I have had the opportunity to work at the Development and Self-Management Center (DYA) organization, where I participated in the Pedagogical Leveling and Acceleration Project (NAP). This programme is aimed at students from the upper secondary school who have not reached the upper secondary level. Also, I was a part-time occasional professor at Peninsula State University in Saint Helena. In the field of research, I have developed work aimed at addressing key problems of the education system: "Pedagogical Levelling and Acceleration Program (NAP): A possible solution for the school lag in students of upper basic". " Impact of autonomy on the academic performance of a student with mild mental retardation: a theoretical proposal". " Factors associated with academic performance: family support". 

María Azucena Neira-Yagual , Escuela de Educación Básica Comienzos - Ecuador


hold a Bachelor's degree in Basic Education and a Master's degree in Psychopedagogy, with over two years of teaching experience at elementary, middle, and upper-basic levels. I have participated in specialized workshops and courses, including Montessori Methodology, violence prevention and discrimination, disability awareness, and innovative methodological strategies. My contributions include involvement in learning networks and the publication of a scientific article in LATAM journal, focusing on educational development. Currently, I work as a tutor teacher at Comienzos Basic Education School, implementing inclusive methodologies centered on students' comprehensive learning. 

Juan Alejandro Muñoz-García , Academia Naval Cap. Leonardo Abad Astudillo - Ecuador


Hello, I have a Bachelor's degree in Basic Education Sciences and I obtained a Master's degree in Psychopedagogy. This year I have started working as a teacher in the area of ​​Physical Education.  I have participated in specialized workshops and courses, violence and discrimination prevention, disability awareness, and innovative methodological strategies.  

I highlight my collaboration in learning networks and my participation in the publication of a scientific article in the LATAM magazine, where topics related to educational development were addressed. Currently, I perform duties as a Physical Education teacher at the Captain Leonardo Abad Astudillo Educational Unit, applying physical and recreational exercises for the student's comprehensive learning. 

Fátima Ximena Rialpe-Valiente , Escuela de Educación Básica Eduardo Aspiazu Estrada - Ecuador


I have a degree in Basic Education Sciences and a Master's degree in Psychopedagogy. I have been working for one year as a teacher at the elementary and middle school levels at the EDUARDO ASPIAZU ESTRADA Elementary Education School. I have participated in specialized workshops and courses, such as prevention of violence and discrimination, awareness of disabilities, and innovative methodological strategies. I would like to highlight my collaboration in learning networks and my participation in the publication of a scientific article in the LATAM magazine, addressing issues related to academic performance and family support in the comprehensive development of the student. 

Byron Armando Solano-Clemente , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

https://orcid.org/ 0009-0004-7678-8225

Graduated in Basic Education Sciences and Master in Psychopedagogy from the Santa Elena Peninsula State University, specialized in investigative work on the Psychosocial problems of Basic Education students. 


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