Sumak kawsay and its application in environmental public policies in Ecuador

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Jenny Elizabeth Reyes-Barén
Martha Alejandra Morales-Navarrete


The concept of Sumak Kawsay, originating from the Andean indigenous worldview, refers to the philosophy of "Good Living" or the pursuit of comprehensive well-being of human beings in harmony with nature and the community at large. This research focuses on analyzing how this principle has been incorporated into Ecuador's public environmental policies for the protection of the natural environment and the well-being of communities. To achieve this goal, a multidisciplinary approach will be adopted to understand the context in which Sumak Kawsay emerges within the Ecuadorian territory; likewise, legal documents, government policies, and other relevant sources that demonstrate its adoption and implementation in environmental conservation strategies will be reviewed. It is vital to recognize the importance of the government promoting an integrative approach that incorporates ancestral visions and indigenous wisdom. This implies working closely with local communities to design effective policies that ensure the conservation of the natural environment and foster social well-being sustainably. By integrating ancestral wisdom and indigenous knowledge into decision-making, a balance between human development and environmental conservation could be achieved.


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How to Cite
Reyes-Barén, J., & Morales-Navarrete, M. (2024). Sumak kawsay and its application in environmental public policies in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3-1), 113-125. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Jenny Elizabeth Reyes-Barén, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Student at the Indoamérica University, Ambato - Ecuador.

Martha Alejandra Morales-Navarrete, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Master in Criminal Law and Criminology with experience in economic law in the tax field, former attorney of the Internal Revenue Service, former Rapporteur Secretary of the National Court of Justice Specialized Tax Litigation Chamber, former Head of Revenue and Attorney General of the GAD Municipality de Ambato, Professor at the Universidad Indoamérica, professor of Tax Law, Public Procurement and Cassation Chamber.


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