Impact of labour rights post-pandemic

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María Christina Gallegos-Caicedo
Jorge Mateo Villacrés-López


The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor rights of workers in Ecuador from a jurisprudential approach. The methodology employed was qualitative, conducting an analysis of legislation, executive decrees, and case law related to the pandemic and its impact on the labor sphere. The main finding was that the COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the labor rights of workers in Ecuador, with evidence of mass dismissals and an increase in informal labor due to government measures taken to address the public health emergency, such as Executive Decree No. 1017 and the Humanitarian Law. This resulted in heightened vulnerability for all workers, particularly women and young individuals. In conclusion, despite the establishment of laws and decrees to protect labor rights, violations were observed due to misinterpretation, highlighting the need for effective legal mechanisms to safeguard these rights with an appropriate and responsible legal focus on labor rights.


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How to Cite
Gallegos-Caicedo, M., & Villacrés-López, J. (2024). Impact of labour rights post-pandemic. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3-1), 89-100. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

María Christina Gallegos-Caicedo, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Student of the Faculty of Jurisprudence, Political and Economic Sciences of the Indo-America Technological University.

Jorge Mateo Villacrés-López, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of Ecuador, Master in Law, mention in Procedural Law, Professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence, Political and Economic Sciences, Law degree at the Indo-America Technological University.


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