Compliance with the integral repair to the state, in crimes against the public administration

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Carlos Emilio Guaita-Guaita
Juan Francisco Alvarado-Verdezoto


This article briefly reviews the norms of international and national law on comprehensive reparation and its compliance in relation to crimes against the Public Administration. The main objective is to identify the comprehensive reparation mechanisms that are applied based on the legal regulations that govern the Ecuadorian State, it also identifies the types of crimes committed in the public administration, such as: embezzlement, illicit enrichment, bribery, concussion, traffic. of Influence, frontmanship, intimidation, extortion, attack on the integrity of computer systems, alteration of evidence and elements of proof, tax fraud, money laundering among others. The article contains an overview of the current legislation and current practice regarding reparations, with special attention to the reality in which the State finds itself when it is a victim of a crime in the Public Administration. It includes summaries of cases that have obtained a ruling and where measures of comprehensive reparation to the State are contemplated; crimes committed by the highest authorities of the public service such as the Head of State and government of the country in the periods 2012-2016 stand out. Within the discussion of this investigation, compliance with the country's comprehensive reparation is analyzed, with observance at the international level and as an observing entity the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Likewise, the percentage of internal compliance is determined with observance of the National Court of Justice, the highest court of justice in Ecuador.



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How to Cite
Guaita-Guaita, C., & Alvarado-Verdezoto, J. (2024). Compliance with the integral repair to the state, in crimes against the public administration. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3-1), 45-58. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Carlos Emilio Guaita-Guaita, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador

Jurisprudence Student Faculty of Law of the Indo-America Technological University, Eighth Semester distance modality Ambato, Ecuador.

Juan Francisco Alvarado-Verdezoto, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. Master in Constitutional Law. Lawyer in free professional practice. Private consultant in public law with emphasis on Administrative Law, Social Security and Constitutional Law. Research professor at the Indoamerican Technological University, Ambato, Ecuador.


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