Characterization of artisans of the textile sector of the city of Cuenca in its commercial and productive context

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Patricio Esteban Mendieta-Andrade
Janice Licenia Ordóñez-Parra
Katina Vanessa Bermeo-Pazmiño


This article exposes and analyzes the main characteristics of the artisans of the textile sector of the city of Cuenca, recognizing their particularities within the commercial and economic context in which they operate. The data was obtained by applying surveys to a group of artisans belonging to the textile union of the Provincial Federation of Professional Artisans of Azuay. Thus, sports clothing was identified as its main product, which is mainly marketed to end consumers, through enterprises formally constituted from the tax perspective and under the scheme of natural persons. The problem regarding the under-occupation of its installed capacity is highlighted, which generates an increase in its cost level.


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How to Cite
Mendieta, P., Ordoñez, J., & Bermeo, K. (2020). Characterization of artisans of the textile sector of the city of Cuenca in its commercial and productive context. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 206-218.
Author Biographies

Patricio Esteban Mendieta-Andrade, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Commercial Engineer, with a Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance, research professor at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca, with experience in accounting and tax advice for companies in the city of Cuenca, author of several publications on accounting and tax issues

Janice Licenia Ordóñez-Parra, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Bachelor of Administration, Public Accountant, Commercial Engineer from the Catholic University of Cuenca and Master in Accounting and Finance from the University of Azuay. Doctoral student in Accounting at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León - Mexico. I have worked for 20 years in the financial system, currently teaching undergraduate and graduate at UCACUE for 8 years. Publications, book chapters and research projects are framed in the line of Finance, audit, internal control.

Katina Vanessa Bermeo-Pazmiño, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


I have worked as an undergraduate and postgraduate teacher in the Academic Unit of Administration at the Catholic University of Cuenca for 11 years. My line of research is related to the management of micro, small and medium enterprises, and from which I have some scientific publications. Regarding my academic training, I have a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Administration Sciences from the National Autonomous University of México.


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