Socioeconomic analysis of the productive sectors of Latacunga: January - July 2024

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Henry Alejandro López Machado
Hermes Yonel Peñaloza Molina
Mayra Alexandra Chicaiza Herrera


This study analyzes the productive sectors of Latacunga canton from a socioeconomic perspective, evaluating key aspects such as income, technological adoption, financing, sustainability and environmental impact. Using a quantitative methodology, structured surveys were applied to 36 companies in the commerce, transportation, services and construction sectors during the first semester of 2024, complemented with exploratory factor analysis, multinomial regression and Chi-square tests. The results show that the commerce and services sectors present greater stability in their revenues, with 57% of the companies reporting stable or increasing revenues, while the construction sector experienced recurrent declines, with 68% of the companies reporting a reduction in their revenues. In addition, a positive correlation was found between the implementation of sustainable practices and positive environmental impact (Likelihood Ratio X² = 6.21, p = 0.04), suggesting that companies with greater environmental responsibility manage to mitigate negative impacts on their environment. In terms of financing, it was identified that companies that offer training programs to their employees are significantly less likely (p = 0.00) to opt for financing from cooperatives or other informal sources, preferring bank financing as the main option. These findings highlight the need to design public policies that promote sustainability, investment in human capital and equitable access to financing, as well as strategies that allow companies to mitigate the adverse economic effects of technological adoption in the short term. 


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How to Cite
López Machado, H. A., Santamaría Qhishpe, G. P. ., Peñaloza Molina, H. Y., & Chicaiza Herrera, M. A. (2025). Socioeconomic analysis of the productive sectors of Latacunga: January - July 2024 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 620-632.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Patricio , Technical University of Cotopaxi

I am a teacher and researcher in the areas of micro and macroeconomics, statistics, finance, and local development in third and fourth level programs. Member of the UTC Economic Observatory. I have research experience in the areas of impact assessment methodologies; entrepreneurship diagnoses; territorial and sustainability diagnoses; studies on consumer habits and preferences, among others.

Hermes Yonel Peñaloza Molina, Technical University of Cotopaxi

Research Professor at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, with over 15 years of experience in university teaching, I have participated in various research projects as a statistical advisor and co-authored scientific articles.

Mayra Alexandra Chicaiza Herrera, Technical University of Cotopaxi

Professional Accountant and Auditor CPA, specialized in evaluation and audit of technological systems, accounting, auditing, economics and popular and solidarity finance. I have 12 years of experience in higher education and a list of more than 15 publications in indexed journals, books and papers.


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