Fintech, an option for financial inclusion in Ecuador

Main Article Content

Alex Felipe Andrade-Montalvo
Mauro Patricio Andrade-Romero
Raúl Vicente Andrade-Merino
Fernanda Vanessa Murillo-Garcés


Financial inclusion in most developing countries is a goal of the DAVOS 2030 Forum, a global initiative to build a more sustainable and inclusive world, which covers various aspects such as sustainable development and inclusion with regard to access to essential services, opportunities and rights. In Ecuador, a significant part of the population lacks access to traditional banking services, so these companies offer efficient, economical and accessible solutions, through mobile applications, online platforms and other digital means, which can be more accessible and profitable than physical bank branches. Its need is justified by the existence of limited financial infrastructure in rural areas, inadequate documentation and lack of trust in financial institutions prevent many people from accessing banking services; In this context, Fintech-based companies offer innovative solutions to provide alternative services to those who do not have access to traditional banking services, improving their financial well-being and contributing to the economic growth and general stability of the country. By incorporating more people into the formal financial system, Fintechs can stimulate economic activity, increase savings and facilitate access to credit. In the main, it is concluded that loans through Fintech platforms allow access to timely and low-cost financing, creating a new form of capital flow for productive, service and social projects. 


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How to Cite
Andrade-Montalvo , A. ., Andrade-Romero , M. ., Andrade-Merino , R. ., & Murillo-Garcés , F. . (2025). Fintech, an option for financial inclusion in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 1009-1019.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Alex Felipe Andrade-Montalvo , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Professor of Economics at the National University of Chimborazo, with a Master's degree in Economic Policy and Development from Korea University in South Korea. President of the alumni association of the Korean International Cooperation Agency. Interested in international, bilateral, multilateral, and financial affairs. 

Mauro Patricio Andrade-Romero , Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador

A professor and researcher at ESPOCH with an outstanding track record in personal banking, focusing his research on leadership, management, and the economic development of the country. His valuable contributions have served as key references for professionals and students, providing reliable sources for their academic work. 

Raúl Vicente Andrade-Merino , Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Professor and researcher at ESPOCH, specializing in social economics with a focus on associations to promote social and economic inclusion, a key component for the country's integral development. With an outstanding track record in managing banks, mutual societies, and cooperatives, he is a professional committed to human development. 

Fernanda Vanessa Murillo-Garcés , Abogada en libre ejercicio - Ecuador

Lawyer in free practice of the profession, master's degree in Constitutional Law with a mention in Constitutional Procedure and student coordinator of Research Seedbeds of the National University of Chimborazo, author of regional articles and Scopus Q1.  


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