Psychological well-being in women during the 21st century: an analysis from the work context of an ecuadorian company

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Marilyn Aracely Tapia-Herrera
Leslie María Rodríguez-Tubón
Luis Fernando Taruchain-Pozo


Psychological well-being, identified as perceived satisfaction with one's own life, can vary in various dimensions. At an international level, psychological well-being is a widely studied construct, considering cultural, socioeconomic and political factors that influence people's perception of satisfaction and happiness. In Ecuador, as in other parts of the world, the psychological well-being of the population is affected by economic conditions, access to basic services, education, employment and family and couple dynamics. General Objective: To analyze the levels of psychological well-being presented by women in an Ecuadorian company during the 21st century. Method: It considers a positivist paradigm, based on a quantitative research approach, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, and descriptive scope. The study sample was made up of forty collaborators, to whom the Psychological Well-being Scale (EBP) was applied. The descriptive data analysis technique was used since it helps to summarize and describe a set of data in a numerical way with measures of central tendency. Results: It was identified that there is a high level of psychological well-being in female staff with 45%, in the same way a low well-being was identified with 32.5% and finally a medium well-being was identified with 22.5%. Conclusion: The results indicate that, in general, female workers in an Ecuadorian company reported a high psychological well-being in the subjective, material and work dimensions, while relationships with their partners showed a lower level of satisfaction. This suggests the need for policies and programs that strengthen not only economic and work well-being, but also interpersonal and couple relationships, in order to achieve comprehensive psychological well-being. 


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How to Cite
Tapia-Herrera , M. ., Rodríguez-Tubón , L. ., & Taruchain-Pozo , L. . (2025). Psychological well-being in women during the 21st century: an analysis from the work context of an ecuadorian company . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 189-204.
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Author Biographies

Marilyn Aracely Tapia-Herrera , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

General Psychologist, graduate of the Psychology program at the Indoamerica Technological University, she is currently linked as head of the Human Talent department in a private company in the province of Cotopaxi. 

Leslie María Rodríguez-Tubón , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

General Psychologist, graduate of the Psychology program at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, she is currently working as an independent professional in the Organizational area focused on Human Management in the province of Tungurahua. 

Luis Fernando Taruchain-Pozo , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Industrial Psychologist and Master in Human Talent Management. Research Professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Indoamerica Technological University, he is a member of the Family, Organization, Culture and Society (FOG-SOC) research group. He has professional experience focused on the field of Organizational Development and Human Behavior, author of books, scientific publications, and has completed several diplomas focused on strategic labor management. Finally, he has participated as a speaker at national and international level. 


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