Evaluation of the pregnancy rate in repeat bovine females, through application of a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol with semen cool

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Jhonatan Adrián Monteros-Pazmiño
Juan Alberto Vargas-Tipan
Dany Thomás García-Herembás
Mario Paúl Parra-Matute


In the last 20 years, dairy production in cattle has increased significantly due to factors such as genetic improvement, balanced nutrition and adequate health management. However, this progress has been accompanied by reproductive problems, highlighting the decrease in the pregnancy rate, which has dropped from 60% to 42%. An important problem is the repeater cow, defined as one that, after three or more services, cannot conceive without presenting obvious reproductive pathologies. To address these challenges, biotechnological techniques have been refined, such as fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) using hormonal drugs to synchronize ovulation. Studies have shown that synchronization with PGF2 alpha has limitations, while IATF shows better results in general. Semen cryopreservation is common, but fresh semen, which is not subject to thermal stress, can improve sperm concentration and pregnancy rates. In Ecuador, reproductive efficiency is affected by inadequate heat detection, with 50% of cows not being detected in heat. Therefore, the use of estrus synchronization and IATF methods is recommended. This study aims to evaluate the pregnancy rate in repeater cows subjected to IATF with fresh semen and hormonal protocols. The favorable results could offer a viable alternative to improve reproductive efficiency in dairy farms.


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How to Cite
Monteros-Pazmiño , J. ., Vargas-Tipan , J. ., García-Herembás , D. ., & Parra-Matute , M. . (2025). Evaluation of the pregnancy rate in repeat bovine females, through application of a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol with semen cool . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 995-1008. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2025.1.2902
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Jhonatan Adrián Monteros-Pazmiño , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador


Full name and surname: Adrián Monteros Pazmiño 

Email: jhonatan.monteros@ueb.edu.ec 

Affiliation: Bolívar State University 

ORCID identifier: 0000-0001-9757-9757 

I am a zootechnical veterinary doctor, with a master's degree in animal production with a focus on beef and dairy cattle, and I work as a full-time teacher at the UEB. 

Juan Alberto Vargas-Tipan , Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador


Full name and surname: Juan Vargas 

Email: javargas@uce.edu.ec 

Affiliation: Bolívar State University 

ORCID identifier: 0000-0002-6327-5875 

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics with a master's degree in animal production and a specialization in animal reproduction. I currently work as a professor at the Central University of Ecuador, teaching the subjects of animal reproduction, biotechnology of animal reproduction and general surgery. I am also responsible for the animal reproduction laboratory of the FMVZ-UCE. 


Dany Thomás García-Herembás , Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador


Full name and surname: Tomas García 

Email: dtgarcia@uce.edu.ec 

Affiliation: Bolívar State University 

ORCID identifier: 0009-0009-7305-7730 

I am a zootechnical veterinarian, with a master's degree in animal production with a mention in beef and dairy cattle, I work as an administrator of the Uyumbicho Experimental Center of the UCE, I am also a part-time professor at the Equinoctial Technological University in Quito. 


Mario Paúl Parra-Matute , Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador


Full name and surname: Mario Paúl Parra Matute 

Email: mpparra@uce.edu.ec 

Affiliation: Bolívar State University 

ORCID identifier: 0009-0003-3396-4228 


I am a zootechnical veterinary doctor, I am currently studying a Master's degree in animal production with a mention in beef and dairy cattle at the Catholic University of Ibarra. 

I work as a promoter and commercial advisor in the company SurAgro S.A.  


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