Legal validity of the appeal within the administrative process of Visto Bueno in Ecuador

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Washington Alejandro Navarrete-Freire
Jessica Karina Alcívar-Espinoza
María Ximena Alomoto-Santana
Edward Fabricio Freire-Gaibor


The process of approval in Ecuador is an administrative process through which the employment relationship can be terminated, following a resolution issued by the Labor Inspector or by the Regional Director of Labor, which currently concludes with an appeal phase. This article aims to evaluate the legal validity of the appeal, analyzing the elements surrounding its application. To carry out this research, a qualitative approach and descriptive methodology were used. An exhaustive and explanatory analysis was carried out through the jurisprudential and doctrinal review. The exegetical and inductive method was used to integrate the proposed ideas and concepts, applying the analysis and synthesis to obtain precise conclusions, comparing the existing regulations and doctrine. It was concluded that it is important in any process to have a phase through which procedural errors can be corrected, but it is also important that the officials who resolve the appeal have the necessary legal powers, in order to ensure adequate legal control over the acts of public power, guaranteeing the right to appeal, as well as the principles of legality, due process and legal certainty. 


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How to Cite
Navarrete-Freire , W., Alcívar-Espinoza , J. ., Alomoto-Santana , M. ., & Freire-Gaibor , E. . (2025). Legal validity of the appeal within the administrative process of Visto Bueno in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 477-491.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Washington Alejandro Navarrete-Freire , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master's student of the Master's Program in Procedural Law from the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Master of Law with a mention in Constitutional Proceedings from the State University of Milagro. Lawyer of the courts and tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. Labor Inspector of Guayas, Ministry of Labor. 

Jessica Karina Alcívar-Espinoza , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master's student of the Master's program in Procedural Law at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Lawyer of the courts and tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador 

María Ximena Alomoto-Santana , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Attorney at the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. Master in Procedural Law. Postgraduate professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. 

Edward Fabricio Freire-Gaibor , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. Master in Procedural Law. Faculty and postgraduate teacher at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. 


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