Simultaneous control in the contracting of goods and services of the Municipalities of the department of Huancavelica, period 2022
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Determine the incidence of simultaneous control in the contracting of goods and services of the Municipalities of the Department of Huancavelica, period 2022. The research was developed under a basic quantitative approach with a cross-sectional non-experimental design; The population was made up of 193 people, of whom a sample of 129 people from the municipalities of the department of Huancavelica were chosen through probabilistic sampling and surveyed through the questionnaire instrument. Regarding the application of simultaneous control in the contracting of goods and services, 30.2% stated never, 24.8% indicated almost never, 34.1% stated sometimes, 9.3% stated almost always and only 1.6% indicated always. Likewise, during the year 2022, the CGR carried out 1,000 control services, of which 498 corresponded to simultaneous control and 502 were subsequent controls. In addition, the statistical test found a moderate positive evaluation between the simultaneous control and contracting of goods and services with Rho = 0.674 and a significance equivalent to p = 0.000, which is less than the margin of error allowed 0.05, thus accepting the general hypothesis and rejecting the null hypothesis. Simultaneous control significantly affects the contracting of goods and services of the Municipalities of the Department of Huancavelica, period 2022.
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