Inclusive recreational activities program for students with mild intellectual disabilities in the Physical Education class

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Carlos Vinicio Orosco-Patiño
Luis Estigar Reinoso-Barrera
Germán Rafael Rojas-Valdés


Students with mild intellectual disabilities face certain challenges in their learning, but with appropriate support and attention, they can achieve autonomy, including professional development. The aim of the present study was to design a recreational activities program to facilitate the inclusion of students in Physical Education classes, specifically for tenth grade at the Unidad Educativa Nabón, working with a population of 30 students from Parallel C. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach, being non-experimental and cross-sectional in nature. Various scientific methods were employed throughout the research process. The analysis and synthesis method allowed for theoretical grounding and justification of the researched problem, while the inductive-deductive method, along with the mathematical-statistical method, facilitated the consideration of the obtained results and validation of the proposed hypotheses. The results of the diagnosis revealed a growing dissatisfaction among students, mainly due to the limited variety of activities, which do not fully meet their needs and preferences. This limits the active participation of those with mild intellectual disabilities. In response, a program of recreational activities was proposed which, after being assessed by the results of the practical systematization and the interviews conducted with the students, they expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the proposed activities. 


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How to Cite
Orosco-Patiño, C., Reinoso-Barrera, L. ., & Rojas-Valdés, G. . (2025). Inclusive recreational activities program for students with mild intellectual disabilities in the Physical Education class . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 388-402.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carlos Vinicio Orosco-Patiño, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Carlos Vinicio Orosco Patiño, my age is 32 years old, I am a teacher of Physical Education at the Nabón Educational Unit, I have been working 6 years as a teacher of the same subject and one year as General Inspector of the same institution, my category as a teacher is “G”, whose type of teaching is considered as it is through the constructivist method that I apply in my classes.

Luis Estigar Reinoso-Barrera, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Luis Estigar Reinoso Barrera, my age is 40 years old, I am a physical education and sports teacher, I work as a contracted teacher at the Jose Ángel Palacios Educational Unit in the city of Loja. My last job was at the Fiscomicional Educational Unit. Mercedes de Jesús Molina from the City of Loja period 2021 to 2023 and my category as a Teacher is type “G”, whose type of teaching is considered through the constructivist method that I apply in my classes.

Germán Rafael Rojas-Valdés, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

German Rafael Rojas Valdés is an academic and researcher with a Master's degree in Sports Training. He currently works at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, where he has contributed to the development of educational programs in the field of sports. His work has been recognized by the National Secretariat for Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENESCYT), which has categorized him as an auxiliary researcher two. His career is marked by a strong commitment to research and the promotion of sports within the educational context.


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