Experiments with Materials and Substances for Everyday Use to Strengthen the Teaching-Learning Process of Chemistry
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This research was developed to strengthen the teaching-learning process of chemistry in first-year high school students at the Remigio Geo Gómez Guerrero School. Therefore, a study was framed in a quantitative approach methodology, with a positivist paradigm, applying the type of quasi-experimental research and the analytical method. The study population was divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group, to whom the data collection techniques and instruments were applied, which allows us to highlight among the most important findings the use of an innovative tool within the classroom. of classes such as the application of experiments based on the use of substances and materials from everyday life, and how it can favorably influence the teaching processes applied by teachers for the development of student learning on the topics and contents provided in the chemistry subject for first-year high school students. On the other hand, experiments based on the use of substances and materials from everyday life were designed and applied, the final evaluation of which determined an increase in understanding in the chemistry students of the first year of high school of 70.50% on the contents. presented by the teachers in the subject of chemistry, highlighting the efficiency of the teaching strategy designed, to strengthen the learning of the students of the first year of high school at the Remigio Geo Gómez Guerrero School, which contributed favorably to the successful development of teaching processes within the classroom.
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