Internationalization of research and university extension functions: an experience between Argentina and Mexico in international trade. 2024
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This paper focuses on an inter-chairs/commissions experience on the internationalisation of research and outreach in two universities in Argentina and Mexico, specifically in international trade.
The main objective of this proposal was to bring together students and professors from both countries to foster collaboration and skills development in a broad intercultural environment. To this end, an international academic cooperation project was developed under the title Globalisation of Business through the support and development of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, using the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) methodology to promote intercultural and digital competences.
The proposal focused on the creation of a virtual space where students interacted and worked in collaborative activities, using digital tools such as Zoom, Padlet, Prezi and Canva both synchronously and asynchronously. The COVID-19 health contingency, as a recent precedent, boosted and strengthened the use of digital strategies in education.
Preliminary findings underline the need to move forward with inter-institutional agreements that strengthen higher education functions such as research and outreach.
The experience is invaluable in connecting theoretical knowledge with practical contexts, preparing students both in research and in exercising responsible leadership roles to face a complex professional environment.
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