Implementation of the Microsoft Math Solver tool to strengthen learning in mathematics in 10th year EGBS students

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Jenny Paulina Imacaña-Fernández
José Noé Paute-Loján
Jaquelina Edith Noriega
Giselle Aurelia Rodriguez-Caballero


Microsoft Math Solver is considered an application that allows students to solve mathematical problems regardless of the level of difficulty, covering from solving basic arithmetic exercises to the most complex ones, that is, it is a technological platform that increases the quality of Mathematics teaching and responds to the needs of the students. The objective of this work is to determine how the implementation of the Microsoft Math Solver digital tool impacts, to strengthen Learning in Mathematics, in the solution of Perfect Square Trinomials in 10th Year students of Basic Education of the "Pio Jaramillo Alvarado" Educational Unit, Evening section, during the first semester of 2024. The method used was mixed inductive-deductive and descriptive research with convenience sampling determining the parallel '' A '' as an experimental group and the parallel '' B '' as a control group. The main finding is that applying the Microsoft Math Solver tool in mathematics is beneficial since the data indicate that the experimental group obtained a higher percentage of excellent grades (42.4% in the range of 8.01 to 10 points) compared to the control group (39.4% in the range of 6.01 to 8 points). In conclusion, Microsoft Math Solver does impact mathematical learning since the research proved that it contributes to increasing academic performance with positive grades and developing skills in the experimental group for solving mathematical cases. 


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How to Cite
Imacaña-Fernández , J., Paute-Loján , J. ., Noriega , J. ., & Rodriguez-Caballero , G. . (2025). Implementation of the Microsoft Math Solver tool to strengthen learning in mathematics in 10th year EGBS students . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 326-338.
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Author Biographies

Jenny Paulina Imacaña-Fernández , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Systems Engineer (National University of Loja) and Professor at the CEDEINFOR Institute of Loja. Throughout his professional career he has provided independent tutoring of research projects, theses and academic works, with an emphasis on research and development. He is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Education with Specialization in Digital Environments at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, where he deepens his experience in the integration of digital technologies in educational environments. 

José Noé Paute-Loján , Unidad Educativa “Pio Jaramillo Alvarado” - Ecuador

José Noé Paute Loján is a teacher with extensive experience in various educational institutions. He has worked at the “Emiliano Ortega Espinoza” Educational Unit in Purunuma and is currently Vice-Rector of the “Pío Jaramillo Alvarado” Educational Unit in Loja. Throughout his career, he has led research projects focused on the implementation of technological tools. Its goal is to improve student teaching and learning. In addition, it promotes an educational approach based on sustainable development, educational management and pedagogical innovation, seeking to transform. 

Jaquelina Edith Noriega , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador / Universidad Nacional de San Luis - Argentina


PhD in Social and Human Sciences (UBA). Doctor of Education (UNLP). Master's in Higher Education (UNSL). Specialist in Higher Education (UNSL). Diploma in Social Sciences with a focus on Educational Institution Management (FLACSO). Professor of Educational Sciences (UNER). Undergraduate and postgraduate teachers, and education researcher from Argentina. 

Giselle Aurelia Rodriguez-Caballero , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in Education, undergraduate and postgraduate faculty teacher at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador and researcher in the field of education 


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