Avocado (Persea americana) volume estimation using mathematical profiling with arduino uno and ultrasonic sensor
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The volume of avocado (Persea americana) was estimated using mathematical profiling and water displacement methods. In the mathematical profiling, digital images were used and modeled using polynomial functions in Geogebra software, obtaining an average function that was implemented in an Arduino Uno card, where the volume of the fruit is obtained as a function of its length, measured by an HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor. The estimated volume was compared with that obtained by water displacement, based on Archimedes' physical principle. The statistical t-test for paired samples and the Bland-Altman analysis were applied, finding that there were no statistically significant differences between methods (P > 0.05), with an average difference of 5.28 cm³ (95% CI: -2.78 cm³ a 13.33 cm³). Mathematical profiling, together with its implementation on Arduino Uno, provides a fast, inexpensive and portable solution to estimate the volume of avocados, applicable in agricultural environments.
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