Preventive tax audit and impact on the general sales tax in road freight transport companies

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Marcos Martin Hayashida-Marchinares


Objective: Determine the way in which the Preventive Tax Audit impacts the General Sales Tax in road freight transport companies in the Lima 2024 region. Method: The type of research was quantitative. We worked with information from 5 road freight transport companies. The technique of questionnaire surveys, documentary analysis and survey was applied to the personnel who work in the accounting department of each company. Results: the tax prevention audit in road freight transport companies of the total respondents determined that 44.12% totally agree with the application of the Preventive Tax Audit and 35.29% agree with the preventive audit tax. Conclusion: The preventive tax audit applied to cargo transportation companies significantly increased acceptance in 2024. 


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How to Cite
Hayashida-Marchinares , M. . (2025). Preventive tax audit and impact on the general sales tax in road freight transport companies . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 357-370.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Marcos Martin Hayashida-Marchinares , Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - Perú

Degree in Public Accountant, student of the master's degree in Tax Policy and Management with a mention in Tax Audit from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.


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