Assessment of the educational platform "kahoot" to improve the teaching of spelling content in the language and literature course

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María Fernanda Alcívar-Lucas
Gabriela Liseth Alcívar-Lucas


The general objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of the use of Kahoot in the teaching of language and literature in high school students. A quantitative, descriptive and correlational methodology was used, working with a population of 108 students from four classrooms. A structured survey was applied that measured various dimensions related to perception and effectiveness, such as attitude, ease of use, fun, perceived effectiveness, applicability, and development of skills in language and literature. The main finding of the survey revealed that students have a positive perception towards the use of the tool, with means of 3.57 for the Kahoot educational strategy and 3.66 for the development of skills in language and literature, on a 5-point scale. Furthermore, the Spearman correlation showed a significant positive relationship (r = 0.872, p < 0.01) between the perception of Kahoot and skill development, indicating that students who positively value the application tend to report greater skill development in language and literature. The main conclusion is that it is an effective tool to improve motivation, academic performance and the development of skills in language and literature. However, the variability in responses suggests that its effectiveness may depend on context and specific classroom implementation. 


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How to Cite
Alcívar-Lucas , M., & Alcívar-Lucas , G. (2025). Assessment of the educational platform "kahoot" to improve the teaching of spelling content in the language and literature course . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 160-174.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

María Fernanda Alcívar-Lucas , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Soy María Fernanda Alcívar Lucas, una investigadora de 29 enfocada en integrar tecnologías en la enseñanza de lengua y literatura, mi trabajo se centra en evaluar el impacto de herramientas educativas gamificadas, demostrando mi compromiso con la innovación pedagógica. Busco mejorar las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje y contribuir al conocimiento sobre la efectividad de plataformas de aprendizaje basadas en juegos en educación secundaria.

Gabriela Liseth Alcívar-Lucas , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

I am Gabriela Liseth Alcívar Lucas, a 24- year-old young researcher, I specialized in education and the digital environment. I am co-author of a study on the use of Kahoot in teaching spelling content in high school, using quantitative and descriptive methodologies. My work focuses on evaluating the impact of gamified educational tools, demonstrating a strong commitment to pedagogical innovation.


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