Impacts, currency exchange in Ecuador

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Andrea Agila
Víctor Molina
Jefferson Taípe


This article deals whit the dollarization process that was lived in the year 2000.¿What was the reason for this decision? While it is true the Sucre was the national currency.
¿It the change favourable? ¿How did the Ecuadorian people make this decision?¿ In what period did this historical process develop?¿What were the measure prior to this event? At present the economy of the country in stable around investments, with this document is intended to deal with the process and the historical moments that we Ecuadorians live
In conclusion, we can mentions if the change in the Sucre to Dollar currency was positive for the Ecuadorian people and if Ecuador is currently a country considered for foreign investment.
One of the scientific research methods is based on the collection of historical data, which are analysed and interpreted for the development of this informative document.


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How to Cite
Agila, A., Molina, V., & Taípe, J. (2017). Impacts, currency exchange in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(4), 18-31. Retrieved from


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