Pedagogical methodology of the subject of entrepreneurship and project-based management

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Zoila Mercedes Mainato-Agualema
Benjamín Liborio Lituma-Suin
Mireya Gioconda Delgado-Chavarría


This research arises from the need to implement new teaching methodologies that allow improvements in learning processes; The objective of this article is to show that PBL Project-Based Learning with the application of TAC Learning and Knowledge Technologies in the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management significantly improve said process. This technique is based on a mixed approach that combines qualitative and quantitative elements to obtain a comprehensive vision of the situation, where quantitative research seeks accurate knowledge that is observable, measurable and quantifiable; Meanwhile, qualitative research seeks to understand and interpret the object of research, rather than describing them, it uses data collection without numerical measurement. To systematize the theoretical foundations, a review of relevant bibliographic sources and previous research works that addressed related topics was carried out, where it is evident that in educational units where traditional teaching is maintained, the exit profile required by the educational authorities, while when innovative methodologies are included, the results are successful, as has been evidenced with the use of PBL. The research techniques applied in this study confirm that both students and teachers consider that a better level of learning would be achieved if new strategies are included and basing the completion of the subject with a project motivates students to consider applying what they have learned in the future. in the well-being of their personal and family economies.


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How to Cite
Mainato-Agualema , Z. ., Lituma-Suin , B. ., & Delgado-Chavarría , M. (2024). Pedagogical methodology of the subject of entrepreneurship and project-based management. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 1078-1095.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Zoila Mercedes Mainato-Agualema , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Title: CPA accounting and auditing engineer, I work as a technical high school teacher in accounting services, in subjects of general accounting, cost accounting, taxation and accounting and tax packages, at the same time I work with tutoring with third-year high school students in inter-modular entrepreneurship projects and degree projects.

Benjamín Liborio Lituma-Suin , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Title: Bachelor of Science in Education with a Specialization in Commerce and Administration; I work as a teacher at the high school level (BGU Sciences and Technical High School in Informatics), teaching subjects such as Entrepreneurship and Management, and Mathematics. Additionally, I am the head of the Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Department. 

Mireya Gioconda Delgado-Chavarría , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Public Accounting and Auditing Engineer 

- CPA from the State University of Milagro, Ecuador. Master in Business Administration MBA from the University of La Rioja, Spain. Educator in accounting and administrative subjects for 12 years and as a tutor for 7 years at the ITB and UBE. He has participated in conferences with pedagogical, accounting- administrative and investigative topics. Promotes education with technological tools. 


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