Analysis of forensic techniques and tools for the investigation of computer crimes anf its legal perspective in Ecuador. A systematic review

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Edwin Agustin Echeverría-Espinoza
Manuel Salvador Álvarez-Vera


The investigation of computer crimes in Ecuador has become a great challenge due to the increase in connectivity and sophistication of criminal techniques. In this context, computer forensics plays a crucial role in the identification, preservation and analysis of digital evidence to support the investigation of these crimes. The main objective of this article is to carry out an analysis of the forensic techniques and tools for the investigation of these crimes, as well as their legal aspects regarding the admissibility of digital evidence.

For this purpose, academic databases such as Scielo, Web of Science and Scopus were used, which included studies published in the last ten years. A variety of techniques and tools were identified including disk imaging, recovering deleted files, analyzing activity logs, and examining metadata. The most commonly used techniques include the Lockdown method, the Stratt method, and the GCII method, while the most common tools encompass both commercial and open-source software, such as EnCase, FTK, and X-Ways Forensics.

The investigation also revealed that Ecuadorian legislation provides a general legal framework for the investigation of computer crimes. However, there are significant challenges to the law in terms of its practical application, including the need for a more specific legal framework, training of forensic investigators, and the need to update standards to reflect technological advances.


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How to Cite
Echeverría-Espinoza, E., & Álvarez-Vera, M. . (2024). Analysis of forensic techniques and tools for the investigation of computer crimes anf its legal perspective in Ecuador. A systematic review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 644-652.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Edwin Agustin Echeverría-Espinoza, Colegio de Ingenieros en Informática / Sistemas y Computación de El Oro - Ecuador

Systems Engineer of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Director of the School of Systems Engineering of the Technological University of San Antonio de Machala, Professor of the School of Systems Engineering of the Technical University of Machala, Academic Vice-Rector and Head of EU Systems Julio Matovelle, Head of technical support and networks of the company OROBLA S.A telecommunications, Manager of EDUTEC – Education and Technology

Manuel Salvador Álvarez-Vera, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Doctoris Philosophiae in Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Ph.D; Master in Environmental Protection and Remediation; Professional Specialization in Strategic Environmental Management; Specialist in University Teaching; Diploma in Integrated Solid Waste Management; Agronomist Engineer. Postgraduate Research Professor of the Catholic University of Cuenca UCACUE; Research Professor of the Environmental Engineering career UCACUE.


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