The reactive approach of postgraduate education in disaster risk management

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Santos Luis Quispe-Choque


The purpose of the research is to describe disaster risk management in postgraduate education, which has a predominantly reactive approach. This analysis focuses on the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, located in the city of La Paz, Bolivia. The method applied in the research was the analytical-synthetic one, which allowed to analyze the curricular plan of the Diploma in Risk Management of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, synthesizing that this document has a reactive approach. Also through this method, a virtual survey was carried out to the graduated students who took this postgraduate program, allowing to show that the students perceive that the diploma in risk management is characterized by a combination of reactive and proactive approaches, although this duality is not directly related to the analyzed curricular plan, but rather to the teaching methodology used by the teachers. This finding highlights the importance of implementing a postgraduate program at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés through a Master's Degree in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Resilience. This master's degree must have a curricular plan focused on Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster and/or Emergency Response, Resilience and Climate Change. 


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How to Cite
Quispe-Choque , S. . (2025). The reactive approach of postgraduate education in disaster risk management . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 110-120.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Santos Luis Quispe-Choque , Universidad Mayor de San Andrés - Bolivia

I am currently a research professor on the subject of Human Geography at the Institute of Geographic Research of the Engineering Degree of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés in La Paz, Bolivia. 


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