Application of the Free Improvisation Teaching Method (ELI) as a Didactic Strategy to solve Stoichiometric problems

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Lourdes Elisabeth Gadva-Yambay
Herman Arnulfo Cevallos-Sánchez


The research is based on the application and implementation of the ELI method as a teaching strategy for solving stoichiometric problems in chemistry, promoting collaboration, critical and creative thinking, and deep understanding of the concepts involved. With the purpose of developing problem-solving skills and building solid knowledge in chemistry. Reference is made to the importance of working with seven teaching moments, which are essential to achieve a deep understanding of the contents and the social construction of knowledge. A quantitative approach was used that combined a statistical, descriptive and quasi-experimental methodology. The objective is to apply the ELI method to improve the resolution of stoichiometric problems in the subject of chemistry. To achieve this objective, the survey was used and as an instrument a knowledge test, applied to 70 second-year high school students in the science specialty of the Remigio Geo Gómez Guerrero school. The results obtained are quantitative, for which a control group and an experimental group were created. the ELI method was applied to the experimental group, where 35 students who comprised, it raised their academic performance unlike the control group.


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How to Cite
Gadva-Yambay, L. ., & Cevallos-Sánchez, H. (2024). Application of the Free Improvisation Teaching Method (ELI) as a Didactic Strategy to solve Stoichiometric problems. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 500-509.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Lourdes Elisabeth Gadva-Yambay, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Born in the city of Guano, province of Chimborazo, on September 16, 1976. Doctor in Biochemistry and Pharmacy, degree obtained at the technical university of Machala with SENESCYT registration (No. REG-1011-05-595473) 14 years as director of Chemistry and Biology Laboratory at the Remigio Geo Gómez Guerrero School in the city of Huaquillas.

Herman Arnulfo Cevallos-Sánchez, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Teacher-researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences of the UTM. 24 years of professional experience: 15 years in Secondary Education and 9 years in Graduate and Undergraduate Higher Education. Author and co-author of articles, presentations and books related to the field of Science, Research, Technology and Education


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