Theoretical approach to self-criticism as an urgency in the postmodern era

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Aura Rosa Franco-Gutiérrez
Sebastián Reyes-Alvarado
Silka Ileana Ortíz-Hernández
Sandra Tamara Morón-Martínez


In times of postmodernity, the university teacher requires adaptability and self-critical processes. This study aims to reflect on the self-criticism of university teachers in times of postmodernity, offering a comprehensive and deep understanding of their transformative potential in the educational context. Through a hermeneutic interpretive approach, we sought to delve deeper into the experiences and perspectives of teachers, providing a theoretical approach to their practice in the current university environment. The results showed that the demands of teaching practice through self-criticism allow the necessary reflection to identify areas for improvement, this being the first step towards a significant transformation of practice. In conclusion, breaking with the traditional positions marked by positivism modifies the way in which it shares its knowledge in a new inclusive reality of multiple voices, where criticism is essential to adjust the teaching approach and promote learning spaces holistic.


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How to Cite
Franco-Gutiérrez , A. ., Reyes-Alvarado , S., Ortíz-Hernández , S. ., & Morón-Martínez , S. . (2024). Theoretical approach to self-criticism as an urgency in the postmodern era. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 1406-1420.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Aura Rosa Franco-Gutiérrez , Universidad Santander - Panamá

My achievements include the publication of articles in indexed academic journals. I have had the privilege of holding roles as Research Director, and editor of Ektenos Magazine. In addition, I have worked as a thesis and research project tutor. 

Sebastián Reyes-Alvarado , Sistema Nacional de Investigación (SENACYT) - Panamá

University professor, author and co-author of multiple researches, published in indexed journals, co-author of 2 books on research methodology, peer reviewer of international scientific journals, methodological director and advisor of more than 100 research projects at university level, lecturer and with more than 19 years of experience in the field of teaching.

Silka Ileana Ortíz-Hernández , Universidad Santander - Panamá

Bachelor's Degree in Technology Systems Administration with a Master's Degree in Education. University professor with nine years of experience, jury of undergraduate projects and researcher. Experience in the elaboration of terms of reference and coordination of projects with international organizations, such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Sandra Tamara Morón-Martínez , Universidad Santander - Panamá

University teacher, with more than 17 years of experience in multiple educational levels; Psychopedagogue, Didactic, Facilitator and teacher of the Ministry of Education. Participation as a juror in several defenses of graduation papers at Master's level and co-author of educational research. Supervisor of the educational programs of the Panamerican Institute. 


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