Of the Other at school or the perplexity of pedagogy
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This paper explores the philosophical perspectives on the figure of the Other within school praxis, aiming to contribute analytical elements to educational inclusion policies. It examines how schools address the issue of diversity, recognizing that the school system, as a political product, often reflects a universalist project that elevates the values of the dominant society to a universal category. The paper delves into the historical context, highlighting Aristotle’s views on rationality and the hierarchical relationship between the master and the slave, and how these ideas influenced the perception of cultural superiority.
The authors discuss the resistance to the imposition of dominant cultural values within the educational context, identifying the tension between orthopedagogic practices aimed at normalizing diversity and the true inclusion of the Other. They argue that these practices often lead to the classification and control of students rather than fostering genuine educational growth. Orthopedic strategies seek to correct and normalize student differences, molding them according to the values of the dominant culture, which results in the suppression of the plurality and diversity that they intend to embrace.
Drawing on Derrida’s concept of hospitality, the paper questions the possibility of true hospitality within the school system, suggesting that the current approach may suppress the pluralism and diversity it aims to promote. The discussion also touches on the transition from pagan to Christian logos and its implications for cultural and rational distinctions in the context of colonialism and modern educational systems.
The authors call for a reevaluation of the dominant discourse and pedagogical practices to create a more inclusive and hospitable educational environment that respects and integrates the diverse cultural backgrounds of all students.
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