Important factors of a political content strategy and political leadership

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Katherine Lizbeth Lasluisa-Pachacama
Sandra Gabriela Pérez-Pérez
Santiago Xavier Peñaherrera-Zambrano


The academic article is dedicated to explaining and gathering the research variables in the discernment of the important factors of a political strategy of content and political leadership. It is for this reason that the objective of this academic article focuses on identifying some important factors of a content political strategy to improve political leadership with vision, inclusiveness and enthusiasm. On the other hand, the problem that was identified lies in strategic actions of content that the human being intervenes to survive any project, decision, agreement, guide, plan or intervention that is not routine in the field of communication, social networks, political society, candidates, electoral campaigns. A methodology with a predominant quantitative approach was used, with a basic modality of field investigation, bibliographic-documentary, exploratory, descriptive cross-sectional, to consider and interpret.


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How to Cite
Lasluisa, K., Pérez, S., & Peñaherrera, S. (2020). Important factors of a political content strategy and political leadership. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(5-1), 299-311.
Author Biographies

Katherine Lizbeth Lasluisa-Pachacama, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I started my higher studies at the technical university of Ambato to obtain my degree I chose the modality of publication of a scientific article, in the development of it I applied the knowledge acquired in my career of professional preparation, thus obtaining the expected result

Sandra Gabriela Pérez-Pérez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Enter the technical university of Ambato with the aim of being a professional, make the decision to write the scientific article to obtain my University degree, since research and information gathering apply all my knowledge acquired in the course of my academic preparation

Santiago Xavier Peñaherrera-Zambrano, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the Technical University of Ambato, conducting various personal, academic and professional investigations, tutor of different student and professional investigations.


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