Legal analysis of protection measures for child victims of domestic violence in Ecuador

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Yessenia Tatiana Jimenez-Acaro
Willam Enrique Redrobán-Barreto


Within the situations of intra-family violence in Ecuador, it is propitious to provide attention to the cases of child victims of this type of violence. This is how the general objective is to legally analyze the protection measures for child victims of domestic violence in Ecuador. In this sense, documentary research of bibliographic type is developed, according to which it is possible to consider the perspective of different authors in reference to this matter. In this way, among the main results discussed are that in Ecuador intrafamily violence is any aggression made by a member of the victim's family or by a third person with whom there is a sentimental bond. In this sense, among the legal bases there are international treaties, the Constitution, and the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code, mainly. Being so that among the protection measures, actions are determined for the care of the victim, which should not translate into the modification of the instructions of the Judge, such as the removal of children who are part of the family group without being an instruction issued. by the competent authority. For this reason, the need for protection for child victims of domestic violence resides in their inability to protect themselves independently. In conclusion, there must be a wide scope of supervision of public bodies, in situations of child victims of this type of violence, both from the beginning to the end of the judicial process.


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How to Cite
Jimenez-Acaro , Y. ., & Redrobán-Barreto , W. . (2024). Legal analysis of protection measures for child victims of domestic violence in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 795-804.
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Author Biographies

Yessenia Tatiana Jimenez-Acaro , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Student at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Faculty of Jurisprudence, Social, Political and Economic Sciences. Law Degree. 

Willam Enrique Redrobán-Barreto , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, Master in Constitutional Law, Full-time lecturer at the Universidad Indoamérica. 


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