Evaluation of three cryoprotectants for the cryopreservation of guinea pig semen (Cavia porcellus) extracted from the tail of the epididymis at the Uyumbicho Experimental Center
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The raising of guinea pigs in the Ecuadorian mountains is one of the most important livestock productions for the meat market. In recent years, technology in rabbit production has increased, which is why this research aims to integrate a seminal evaluation technique that allows producers to improve the genetics of their guinea pig lines. To carry out this work, the methodology was divided into three sections, the first was the selection of the animals, the second was the obtaining of the sperm and the third was the measurement of post-refrigeration sperm quality. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the total and progressive motility of semen in the cryoprotectant medium at 0, 6, 24, 48, 72 hours of refrigeration with three commercial diluents (Triladyl, OptixCell and Andromed) using the seminal evaluation program " AndroVision”, determine the sperm viability in each cryoprotectant medium and identify the morphology of guinea pig sperm. The results obtained indicated that the best cryoprotective medium was OPTIXCELL since it had a better statistical average in the measured variables, it reached a maximum total motility of 47.80% at hour 0 and a minimum of 25.52% at 72 hours of refrigeration, progressive motility maximum was 44.82% and minimum was 24.29%. The viability result showed that the treatments did not have a different behavior from each other, however, when performing individual comparisons with the Tukey test it is shown that Optixcell and Andromed are statistically similar while Triladyl is not statistically comparable. The percentage obtained of normal spermatozoa was 76.5% and that of abnormal spermatozoa was 23.5%, dividing into 6.42% primary abnormalities and 17.08 secondary abnormalities.
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