The anticipated testimony of the minor victim in sexual crimes against the principle of contradiction

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Piedad Isabel Calva-Brito


The anticipated testimony supposes an act of urgent character, which most of all is used in cases where it can be foreseen or justified that the witness or the victim cannot be counted on so that he can contribute with this evidentiary means at the trial stage, or because there is some risk factor that demands that such testimony be practiced in advance. However, this type of testimony requires a precise regulation within the COIP. This testimony evidences as reality and at the same time as problematic the case in which it should be practiced for the commission of sexual crimes when dealing with a minor victim, both because of their vulnerability, and to prevent their revictimization and that such testimony may be affected by the course of time due to the impact relative to the seriousness of this type of crimes. However, despite this justification, there are theoretical positions that question the practice of advance testimony because it would violate the principle of contradiction. This is how, through the present research, we try to establish this discussion in order to understand the importance, relevance and impact of anticipated testimony in sexual crimes when the victim is a minor, which represents an argument that has been duly supported by doctrine, regulations and by the assumptions that can be found in procedural contexts.


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How to Cite
Calva-Brito , P. . (2024). The anticipated testimony of the minor victim in sexual crimes against the principle of contradiction. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 736-751.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Piedad Isabel Calva-Brito , Pontificia Universidad Católica Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Ecuadorian nationality, lawyer, Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law, currently an official of the State Attorney General's Office for a period of 14 years, position Assistant Prosecutor's Office, mainly my functions are to provide support to the prosecutor in cases of preliminary investigations and procedural investigation.


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