Analysis of the Ecuador-Peru trade exchange and its impact on the trade balance period 2018-2023

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Yoffre Danilo Bravo-Armijos
Yamileth Carolina Lucas-Fallain
Dany Humberto Barreno-Pereira


The analysis of the trade exchange between Ecuador and Peru and its impact on the trade balance during the period 2018-2023 reveals a significant evolution in bilateral trade, influenced by various economic and political factors. Ecuador and Peru have experienced growth in their exports and imports, benefiting from trade agreements and greater regional integration. Ecuador has diversified its export basket, reducing its dependence on primary products such as bananas, cocoa and shrimp, while Peru has increased its exports of agricultural products, textiles and minerals, increasing its competitiveness in the Ecuadorian market.

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between both countries has been crucial in reducing tariff barriers and facilitating trade, allowing a freer flow of goods and services. In addition, improvements in infrastructure and logistics have optimized transportation costs and times, promoting more efficient trade. The methods used within the research process are inductive, which allows the facts to be observed and subsequently recorded, and the historical method was also used to examine past events in order to find explanations.

Global and regional economic fluctuations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the US-China trade war, and political instability, have affected trade flows, highlighting the need to diversify economies and strengthen economic resilience. In response, Ecuador has implemented measures to promote non-traditional exports and improve logistics infrastructure, although structural challenges remain.


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How to Cite
Bravo-Armijos, Y. ., Lucas-Fallain, Y. ., & Barreno-Pereira, D. . (2024). Analysis of the Ecuador-Peru trade exchange and its impact on the trade balance period 2018-2023. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 32-47.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Yoffre Danilo Bravo-Armijos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

My name is Yoffre Danilo Bravo Armijos. I was born on August 31, 2002, in Balsas, Ecuador. I completed my primary education at the "Unidad Educativa San Francisco de Asís" (San Francisco de Asís Educational Unit). Later, I attended secondary school at the "Colegio de Bachillerato Técnico Vicente Anda Aguirre" (Vicente Anda Aguirre Technical High School), where I obtained a High School Diploma in Sciences under the Unified General Baccalaureate program. Currently, I am in the final semester of my Foreign Trade degree at the Technical University of Machala.

Yamileth Carolina Lucas-Fallain, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Yamileth Carolina Lucas Fallain, born on May 28, 1999, is a student of Foreign Trade at the Technical University of Machala, currently in her eighth semester. She graduated from "Simón Bolívar" High School in 2017 with a specialty in Technical Services and Information Applications. She has participated in several training programs, including the III International Marketing Congress and workshops on professional skills and job preparation.

Dany Humberto Barreno-Pereira, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Professor at the Technical University of Machala, Commercial Engineer, specializing in Foreign Trade, with expertise in designing research projects. Experienced in the fields of social and humanistic sciences, and a participant in the Gri-Studies research project, which aims to determine corporate social responsibility and sustainable development in public and private universities in the country. Currently teaching courses in international market research, strategic management, international logistics and transportation, and thesis design. A responsible professional with a high degree of commitment, focused on imparting knowledge with quality and warmth.


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