Analysis of the evolution of blueberry exports from Ecuador-Peru and its participation in international markets in the years 2020-2023

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Neybris Asly Ramon-Alarcon
Ronald Wilfrido Romero-Cabrera
Luis Ramiro Aguilar-Ordóñez
Hermán Orlando Enderica-Armijos


The article entitled "Analysis of the evolution of blueberry exports from Ecuador-Peru and their Ecuador-Peru blueberry exports and their participation in international markets in the years 2020-2023. 2020-2023" focused on examining the growth and share of Ecuador's blueberry exports. of blueberry exports from Ecuador. The objective of the The objective of the research was to describe the evolution of these exports and assess their positioning in the global market. positioning in the global market. A quantitative approach was used, based on the analysis of analysis of statistical data obtained from sources such as the Central Bank of Ecuador and international databases such as Trade Map. of Ecuador and international databases such as Trade Map. Analytical-synthetic and analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods were used to analyze and characterize the export export processes. The results showed a sustained growth in the production and export of blueberries in both countries. In Ecuador, exports exports began in 2021, with an initial value of $2,200 miles, and increased to to Spain, and increased significantly in 2022, with the Netherlands as the main destination. Netherlands as the main destination. In 2023, the United States became an important market, with exports valued in dollars. On the other hand, Peru consolidated its position as one of the world's leading blueberry exporters, reaching a total value of US$1.5 billion in 2023. total export value of $1201363 miles in 2021, with the United States as the largest importer of blueberries, with the United States as the largest importer. The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on demand and export logistics, resulting in price increases and shifts. In conclusion, the research.


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How to Cite
Ramon-Alarcon, N., Romero-Cabrera, R. ., Aguilar-Ordóñez, L. ., & Enderica-Armijos, H. . (2024). Analysis of the evolution of blueberry exports from Ecuador-Peru and its participation in international markets in the years 2020-2023. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 782-794.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Neybris Asly Ramon-Alarcon, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

My name is Neybris Asly Ramon Alarcon and I was born on the 9th of September 2001 in Lago Agrio, Ecuador. I did my primary education at the "Fundación Aliñambi" School. Subsequently, I completed my secondary studies at the Educational Unit "J.M Jijón Caamaño y Flores", where I obtained the title of Bachelor of Science in the Unified General Baccalaureate. Currently, I am in the last semester of my degree in Foreign Trade at the Technical University of Machala.

Ronald Wilfrido Romero-Cabrera, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

My name is Ronald Wilfrido Romero Cabrera l was born on February 10, 1995 in Machala, Ecuador. L did my primary education at the “Heroes de Jambeli” School. Later on, l attended secondary school at the “Juan Montalvo” Educational Unit Montalvo” School, where l obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences. Currently, l am in the last semester of the Foreign Trade career at the Technical University of Machala.

Luis Ramiro Aguilar-Ordóñez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Engineer in Business Management, Diploma in Economics of Ecuador and the World, Master in International Business and Management in Foreign Trade. Author of a book on financial mathematics, and several scientific articles. Full Professor at the Technical University of Machala.

Hermán Orlando Enderica-Armijos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Master in Business Administration, San Antonio de Machala Technological University – Ecuador. Public Accountant Auditor, University of Cuenca – Ecuador. Trainer of Trainers, Ministry of Labor and Technical University of Machala – Ecuador. Trainer at the UTMACH Continuing Education Center – Ecuador. Professor at the Faculty of Business Sciences – UTMACH – Ecuador. Evaluator of the Industrial Engineering Magazine of the University of Lima. External evaluator of the proposal for a Community Services Project with Society – UNEMI – Ecuador. Speaker and Lecturer at Academic Events and International Congresses.


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