Evaluation of Mental Load and Technostress of Civil Registry Workers at the Riobamba Agency

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Yurina Belén Carrillo-Silva
Marco Vinicio Rodríguez-Llerena


This research work was carried out in the civil registry of Riobamba, focusing on two key aspects: (a) mental load and (b) technostress, assessed at a single time. The objective was to determine the relationship between the levels of mental load and technostress in workers. A correlational approach was applied, using Cramer's V test to analyze how these variables relate to sociodemographic factors. The population consisted of 46 workers, who answered a survey voluntarily through Google Forms. The data collected were organized in Excel and analyzed with SPSS V26. To assess mental load and technostress, the SWAT test and the NTP 730 standard were applied, respectively, both with Likert scales to calculate the final scores. The results show that 6.5% have a low mental load, 87% a medium mental load and 6.5% a high mental load. These results indicate that the predominant mental load is medium-high, which is due to the nature of the organization, especially because it serves clients with a diversity of processes, short deadlines and a large number of people who require the service. Regarding technostress, 73.9% is low, 19.6% medium and 6.5% high. The correlation of variables is established through Cramer's V of the sociodemographic variables and the tests applied. The analysis of the results reveals that, in general, the workers of the Riobamba civil registry face a medium-high mental load and a low level of technostress. These findings show the need to implement a prevention manual to mitigate the negative effects that mental load and technostress can have on the physical and mental health of the staff.


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How to Cite
Carrillo-Silva, Y. ., & Rodríguez-Llerena, M. (2024). Evaluation of Mental Load and Technostress of Civil Registry Workers at the Riobamba Agency. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 485-499. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.6.2664
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Yurina Belén Carrillo-Silva, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

http://orcid.org/0009-0004- 4844-0843

I, Yurina Belén Carrillo Silva, with a degree in Environmental Engineering, have professional experience in several areas related to both my professional profile and also in other administrative fields that have served to strengthen my capabilities, skills and service to the community; For this reason, I have participated in several courses, seminars and workshops to continue increasing my knowledge and skills; This has allowed me to occupy positions in the private sector such as Administrative Assistant COAC ACCION RURAL EN LIQUIDACIÓN, I have also held the position of Teacher at the UNIVERSITY OF OTAVALO – TRAINING SCHOOL FOR DRIVERS, within my profession I have worked in the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK (DERECTIFICATION DEPARTMENT IN THE LAND UNIT OF THE DISTRICT DIRECTORATE OF CHIMBORAZO MAG);

Institutions that have allowed the tasks entrusted to be carried out in a responsible, punctual and diligent manner.

Marco Vinicio Rodríguez-Llerena, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Forestry Engineer from the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) of Ecuador. Master in Industrial Safety from the National University of Chimborazo (Unach). He is a Research Technician at Unach, which has allowed him to participate in several research projects. His lines of research are focused on the Quality of Soil, Water and Air. At the moment, Marco has more than 15 scientific publications in high-impact magazines, 2 book chapters. In addition, he has participated in local and national presentations, presenting encouraging results as a result of the work carried out as a researcher.

Academically, he has worked as a professor of the Master's Degree in Industrial Safety at Unach and is an active member of the Interdisciplinary Studies Research Group.


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