Femicide in the province of Tungurahua, year 2022, product of the cycle of violence in Ecuador

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Daniela Alejandra Mena-Carrera


In Ecuador, gender violence with its worst consequence, femicide, is a social scourge that, despite the actions taken by the State to try to eradicate it, statistics show that every year the numbers unfortunately increase. The cycle of gender violence is made up of three phases that often trigger the death of the woman, which is typified in the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code under the figure of femicide. In this sense, the objective of this investigation is to establish the incidence of the cycle of violence existing in the Republic of Ecuador on the crime of femicide in the Province of Tungurahua in the year 2022. This is a qualitative investigation, experimental and field type, in which use was made of synthetic analytical and legal hermeneutic methods. The interview was used as a research technique and the interview guide as a research instrument. It was concluded that the cycle of gender violence existing in Ecuador increased the number of femicides in the province of Tungurahua in the year 2022 and the phase of the cycle where these deaths occur the most is during the aggression stage, also called of episodes of violence.


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How to Cite
Mena-Carrera, D. . (2024). Femicide in the province of Tungurahua, year 2022, product of the cycle of violence in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 752-767. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.6.2662
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Daniela Alejandra Mena-Carrera, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

  • Lawyer from the Technical University of Ambato.
  • - Coordinator of the Criminal Judicial Unit based in the Ambato canton.
  • - Coordinator of the Multicompetent Judicial Unit based in the Pelileo canton.
  • - Coordinator of the Multicompetent Judicial Unit based in the Baños de Agua Santa canton.
  • - Judicial Assistant of the Criminal Judicial Unit based in the Ambato canton.
  • - Judicial Assistant of the Specialized Criminal, Military Criminal, Police Criminal and Traffic Chamber of the Provincial Court of Justice of Tungurahua.
  • - Master's student in Criminal Law at the Catholic University of Manabí.


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