Electronic Government: ICU Equipment in Ecuadorian Hospitals in Epidemiological Emergencies, Case of IESS Hospital Machala

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Mauricio Xavier Prado-Ortega
Héctor Ramiro Carvajal-Romero
Harry Alexander Vite-Cevallos
María Luisa Loaiza-Mora


A decade ago it was necessary and imminent that the IESS Machala Level II Hospital, a reference to Social Security in the Province of El Oro, can have medical equipment to implement the first Intensive Care Unit in its facilities. The high figures for referrals of patients to private clinics transferring them within the city of Machala and to other more complex Level III Hospitals in other provinces such as Guayaquil, the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital and in Cuenca the José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital, were a constant that they made an ordeal and caused delays in which the life of a patient is crucial. Subsequently, these health homes also did not attend to patients because they did not have space and beds to house them, referring them to private clinics who had particular agreements with the IESS. The present work shows the great challenge of acquiring medical equipment through the public procurement portal and its contracting modalities according to the LOSNCP promulgated in 2008 and in an efficient manner the first ICU was formed at the IESS Hospital Machala capital of the province of El Oro in 2010 to provide this important service with "quality and warmth" and its current incidence for the benefit and contribution to patients of the social security and the Ministry of Public Health and its degree of importance in the event of an emergency health by Covid.19 nationwide.


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How to Cite
Prado, M., Caravajal, H., Vite, H., & Loaiza, M. (2020). Electronic Government: ICU Equipment in Ecuadorian Hospitals in Epidemiological Emergencies, Case of IESS Hospital Machala. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 54-66. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2020.5.266
Author Biographies

Mauricio Xavier Prado-Ortega, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I was born on September 11, 1978, in the city of Machala, Province of El Oro, I started my primary studies at the "Romeo Murillo Pazmiño" School. Then the Secondary in the National School "Nueve de Octubre". I did my undergraduate studies at the Universidad Técnica of Machala in Commercial Engineering and Systems Engineering. I have the pleasure of being a teacher at the Technical University of Machala until today. Postgraduate studies are carried out by UTPL and at the University of Guayaquil. I have worked in the Public Sector in administrative areas of health houses such as IESS General Machala Hospital, Núcleo Solca Machala.

Héctor Ramiro Carvajal-Romero, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer and Bachelor of Computer Science Education Specialization at the Technical University of Machala. I am the coordinator and teacher of the Agricultural Economics career at the Technical University of Machala where I teach the subject of Public Procurement.

He obtained a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Salesian Polytechnic University and a PhD in Economic Analysis and Business Strategy at the University of La Coruña-Spain.

Harry Alexander Vite-Cevallos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Ingeniero Comercial con Maestría en Sistemas de Información Gerencial. Experiencia profesional con experiencia en el sector público y privado. Actualmente docente de la Carrera de Economía Agropecuaria de la Universidad Técnica de Machala.

María Luisa Loaiza-Mora, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Lcda. en Enfermería, He obtenido una Maestría en Gerencia de Salud para el Desarrollo Local, laboro actualmente en el Hospital IESS Machala, con 32 años de experiencia. Desde 2013 pertenezco al cuerpo docente en calidad de contratada a medio tiempo en la Universidad Técnica de Machala, Carrera de Enfermería


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