Digital competences in higher education teachers in Ecuador

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Erick Steeven Paladines-Ramírez
Jessica Liliana Alcívar-Solórzano
Edison Santiago Gabela-Acurio


The study evidences the level of digital competencies among higher education faculty and how these influence their practice and interaction with students. Using a descriptive, non-experimental design, a survey was conducted with 120 educators from universities, technical institutes, and technological institutions. This survey evaluated the frequency of access to and use of digital sources, the available technological infrastructure, and the adoption of IT tools for teaching and assessment. The main conclusions state that faculty members access most of the information related to their profession through digital sources, which they use to prepare their classes. However, the use of creative tools is less common. Regarding technological infrastructure, a significant portion of respondents consider the equipment adequate for teaching, although some find issues with its suitability. The adoption of alternative software for assessment is limited, with only a fraction of educators using it. Notably, there is regular use of social media and other IT tools to interact with students outside the classroom. These findings underscore the need to enhance these competencies to ensure optimal education. Despite the significant integration of ICT in pedagogical practices, challenges remain in acquiring new technologies and continuous professional development. The importance of developing robust digital competencies is highlighted to meet the challenges of the 21st century and advance educational quality.


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How to Cite
Paladines-Ramírez, E. ., Alcívar-Solórzano, J. ., & Gabela-Acurio, E. . (2024). Digital competences in higher education teachers in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 868-879.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Erick Steeven Paladines-Ramírez, Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Bachelor's degree in nursing; 4 years of professional experience and 3 years as a teacher, has worked in several companies in the public and private sector in direct care, currently dedicated to higher education, projects of linkage with society and publication of scientific articles related to the area of health.

Jessica Liliana Alcívar-Solórzano, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Libertad - Ecuador

My name is Jessica Liliana Alcívar Solórzano, I work as a teacher at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Libertad, for 11 years in the subject of Computing and Informatics, contributing to teaching future professionals.

Edison Santiago Gabela-Acurio, Universidad de las Américas - Ecuador

Clinical Psychologist, Master in Human Talent Management; 18 years of professional experience, he has worked in several companies in the private and public sector as a trainer, teacher and manager in areas of mental health, emotional intelligence, development, survey and design of professional profiles by competencies; currently dedicated to higher teaching and publication of scientific articles in relation to the health area.


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