Technological innovation capacity and its relationship with competitiveness in agricultural microenterprises in Portoviejo, Manabí

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Ladis Diana Cedeño-Quiroz
Johanna Sissibel Gómez-Rivadeneira


The Portoviejo canton, in Manabí, is made up of urban and rural areas, characterized by investment in these areas, generating employment and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural microenterprises, specifically those dedicated to cocoa cultivation. However, it is necessary to have a set of skills to use tools that promote innovation in these microenterprises; The objective of this study is to analyze the capacity for technological innovation and its relationship with competitiveness in agricultural microenterprises that grow cocoa in Portoviejo, conducting a survey of 54 microenterprises located in the canton and registered in the SRI. The descriptive study with a non-experimental design, providing the results that these microenterprises mostly have a low level in terms of the development of technological innovation capabilities, which is why it is difficult for them to achieve levels of competitiveness in the market and have competitive advantage.


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How to Cite
Cedeño-Quiroz, L. ., & Gómez-Rivadeneira, J. . (2024). Technological innovation capacity and its relationship with competitiveness in agricultural microenterprises in Portoviejo, Manabí. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 115-126.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Ladis Diana Cedeño-Quiroz, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

The Portoviejo canton, in Manabí, is made up of urban and rural areas, characterized by investment in these areas, generating employment and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural microenterprises, specifically those dedicated to cocoa cultivation. However, it is necessary to have a set of skills to use tools that promote innovation in these microenterprises; The objective of this study is to analyze the capacity for technological innovation and its relationship with competitiveness in agricultural microenterprises that grow cocoa in Portoviejo, conducting a survey of 54 microenterprises located in the canton and registered in the SRI. The descriptive study with a non-experimental design, providing the results that these microenterprises mostly have a low level in terms of the development of technological innovation capabilities, which is why it is difficult for them to achieve levels of competitiveness in the market and have competitive advantage.

Johanna Sissibel Gómez-Rivadeneira, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

The Portoviejo canton, in Manabí, is made up of urban and rural areas, characterized by investment in these areas, generating employment and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural microenterprises, specifically those dedicated to cocoa cultivation. However, it is necessary to have a set of skills to use tools that promote innovation in these microenterprises; The objective of this study is to analyze the capacity for technological innovation and its relationship with competitiveness in agricultural microenterprises that grow cocoa in Portoviejo, conducting a survey of 54 microenterprises located in the canton and registered in the SRI. The descriptive study with a non-experimental design, providing the results that these microenterprises mostly have a low level in terms of the development of technological innovation capabilities, which is why it is difficult for them to achieve levels of competitiveness in the market and have competitive advantage.


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