La Employer branding as a marketing strategy for the beverage company Cervecería Nacional Ambato-Ecuador

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Juan Gabriel Saltos-Cruz
Raúl Javier Espinoza-Freire


The objective of this research is to propose a marketing strategy on Employer Branding for the beverage company Cervecería Nacional Ambato-Ecuador. The problem identified is the absence of marketing strategies on employer branding, as well as the absence of transmission of employment benefits on social media. Being a descriptive study, the analysis-synthesis method is used from a bibliographic investigation. A Cronbach's Alpha of 0.85 and 0.83 was obtained in the surveys of the companies in the sector and the employees, respectively. In addition, the chi-square was used, verifying that the objective of the EB strategies influences its application in companies. Among the results, the strategy with seven phases was proposed, which will serve as a support for the companies in the sector to promote and publicize the benefits that the employees of the company possess by providing their services and being part of it.


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How to Cite
Saltos, J., & Espinoza, R. (2020). La Employer branding as a marketing strategy for the beverage company Cervecería Nacional Ambato-Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 146-158.
Author Biographies

Juan Gabriel Saltos-Cruz, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Full-time university professor in reference modules in areas related to Administration, insurance, business and Marketing. Courses on the mentioned areas and fourth level studies.

Raúl Javier Espinoza-Freire, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Graduated from Marketing and Business Management, work experience in Sales and Marketing. Courses in reference to customer behavior and types.


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