Social networks a political marketing tool in sectional elections in Ecuador

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Mauricio Sebastián Lozada-Núñez
José Bernardo Herrera-Herrera


The objective of this research is to carry out a comparative analysis of social networks as a tool of political marketing in the elections of mayor, prefect and councilors of the province of Tungurahua-Ecuador. The problem that is identified is that candidates for political positions do not have planning for social networks and do so empirically. It is a descriptive study that is based on theoretical elements based on bibliographic analysis, through the analysis-synthesis method that allows conclusions to be reached. In addition, the Karma and Foller Me Fanpage tool was used to monitor each candidate's Facebook and Twitter social network. Among the results are the main findings in interaction and engagement between candidates and citizens. The conclusions of the study show that social networks are of the utmost importance for the political sphere to generate  approchement with citizens and empathy with their campaign proposals.


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How to Cite
Lozada, M., & Herrera, J. (2020). Social networks a political marketing tool in sectional elections in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 131-145.
Author Biographies

Mauricio Sebastián Lozada-Núñez, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Professional referee belonging to the Ecuadorian  of Soccer Referees, a marketer passionate about the evolution of political marketing and proximity marketing, especially in digital environments, social networks, applications, among others.

José Bernardo Herrera-Herrera, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Engineer, Master in Business Administration. Professor at the Technical University of Ambato, Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Researcher of topics related to: marketing, quality of service, production system, among others


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