Empowerment of women in the associative sector of the Ecuadorian EPS: perspectives and realities in ASOPROTEQUE

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María Fernanda Vargas-Manzo


Women's participation in the associative sector has been attenuated by the current economic and social conditions. Within the popular and solidarity economy sector (EPS) the protagonism has always been maintained by the leadership of men in front of initiatives committed to their principles of improvement, however, the attitudes and skills of Ecuadorian women have been made invisible. The research aims to present the reality of women in the associative sector in the Association of Textile Production Entrepreneurs of Quevedo (ASOPROTEQUE), identifying the qualities, challenges and barriers they face. In addition to knowing and describing the perspectives along with the experiences of its main leaders within the group, mainly about their participation and gender equity. For the development of the research, the following methodology was applied: a Cronbach's Alpha analysis was made for the reliability of the questions, bibliographic review, survey, interview and expert assessment. As a result, it became evident that the members of (ASOPROTEQUE) face various obstacles such as: discrimination, underestimation of their abilities and the challenge of maintaining a balance between their family and work responsibilities. Therefore, an active participation of women in the (EPS), is emerging as an alternative to achieve sustainable development along with a more equitable society.


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How to Cite
Vargas-Manzo , M. (2024). Empowerment of women in the associative sector of the Ecuadorian EPS: perspectives and realities in ASOPROTEQUE. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 543-558. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.5.2636
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

María Fernanda Vargas-Manzo , Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo - Ecuador


I am an Economist with a master's degree in Local Development with a mention in Social and Solidarity Economy, and I am currently working in the field of scientific research. Four years ago I decided to start a business in the financial sector and customer service. My focus on Local Development and SSE has led me to work on initiatives that promote community welfare and sustainability. 


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