Vulnerability Analysis in Network Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review

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Edison Mauricio Cornejo-Jiménez
David Omar Guevara-Aulestia


With the advancement of the digital era, organizations have experienced an increasing dependence on information and communication technologies. This increase in connectivity has led to an increase in cyber attacks on network infrastructures, putting critical assets and data at risk. This article develops a systematic literature review on the analysis of network infrastructure vulnerabilities in the last 10 years, using the IEEE, SCOPUS and Redalyc databases for the review process. It was determined that the most widely used method was traffic analysis, and the most widely used technique was network protocol fuzzing. The analysis of vulnerabilities on network protocols predominated and, therefore, the analysis of the service component. The analysis of vulnerabilities in network infrastructures is a research area that has little scientific documentation published in the last 10 years, requiring special attention in the industrial field, as well as further research in emerging areas such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and cloud computing.


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How to Cite
Cornejo-Jiménez , E. ., & Guevara-Aulestia , D. (2024). Vulnerability Analysis in Network Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 527-542.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Edison Mauricio Cornejo-Jiménez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador

Computer Systems and Informatics Engineer and Master's student in Cybersecurity at Pontifical Catholic University of Ambato. Software Developer since 2023 for a frozen vegetable exporting company. Trained in networking, with two levels of CCNA completed. 

David Omar Guevara-Aulestia , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador

Systems engineer  

Master in Networks and Telecommunications 


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