Action for annulment of the voluntary recognition of paternity in the Ecuadorian legal system

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Úrsula Irene Jumbo-Pinto
David Isaías Jacho-Chicaiza


Through a doctrinal analysis, a thorough review of the legal system and a jurisprudential study of the act of voluntary recognition, the fields of social and legal reality will be explained and expanded, as well as problems of social interest that may arise from the subject matter dealt with. Based on the Ecuadorian regulations and what is established in article 250 of the Civil Code, the acknowledger does not have the capacity to challenge the voluntary acknowledgement, but through nullity. The nullity is given in the cases in which the acknowledgement does not comply with what is expressed in article 248 of the Civil Code, in which the acknowledgement is described as a free and voluntary act, understanding that the nullity is given by means of a vice of consent, which distinguishes 3 types: error, force and fraud. In addition to declaring in the previously mentioned article 250 of the same body of law, the non-acceptance of the DNA test as a means of proof for the challenge in this case, this is established in this way because the challenge to the recognition does not consider a "biological truth" as a point to be debated, what is disputed in this kind of controversy is the act of recognition itself. 


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How to Cite
Jumbo-Pinto, Úrsula ., & Jacho-Chicaiza, D. . (2024). Action for annulment of the voluntary recognition of paternity in the Ecuadorian legal system . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 914-924.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Úrsula Irene Jumbo-Pinto, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic by the Central University of Ecuador, she has a Bachelor's Degree in Public and Social Sciences by the Central University of Ecuador and is studying a Master's Degree in Procedural Law and Oral Litigation at the Indoamerican University (2023). 

Currently, she is a practicing lawyer. 

David Isaías Jacho-Chicaiza, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

National Judge of the National Court of Justice member of the Civil and Commercial Chamber (E); and, president of the Specialized Chamber of Family, Children and Adolescent Offenders, and university professor. Master in Criminal Law from the Central University of Ecuador. Diploma in Constitutional Law. PhD candidate in Law from the National University of Mar del Plata. He has been a judge of first instance in traffic matters, a judge of criminal guarantees, a co-judge of the National Court of Justice, and is currently a National Judge of the National Court of Justice. Author of several books and scientific articles. 


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