Causes of non-compliance with formal duties of taxpayers: Case Azogues

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Nube Carmita Guallpa-Uzhca
Rosa Emperatriz Peralta-Yumbla
Rosa Digna Yamasqui-Chávez
Lesi Vanessa Giler-Escandón


Currently, the lack of compliance with formal duties is part of the habitual procedure of taxpayers, due to the lack of values ​​and fiscal citizenship, the search for higher profits and the increase in informal traders. The objective of this work is to detect the compliance of the formal duties of taxpayers and the sanctions received, this information constitutes a starting line on the persecution that the experts have and the reality detected in the study group, about the degree of compliance, the expert´s perception with respect to what is expressed by taxpayers and the reasons for not fulfilling the duties that you have as a taxpayer. Where the researcher's analyzes primary source data, taken on one occasion and of a descriptive cut, for this purpose a bibliographic around the subject of the study, interviews with experts and surveys of taxpayers were applied.

The results are tabulated show information regarding received by the taxpayers, determining that ona of the major infractions is due to the lack of issuance of sales receipts, concluding that and the level of formal instruction does not influence compliance capacity, that the tax culture in spite of the great efforts made and resources allocated by the Tax Administration, still needs to be encouraged, and greater control should be exercised in the different rural and urban parishes and mechanisms and technologies that support voluntary compliance.


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How to Cite
Guallpa, N., Peralta, R., Yamasqui, D., & Giler, L. (2020). Causes of non-compliance with formal duties of taxpayers: Case Azogues. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 114-130.
Author Biographies

Nube Carmita Guallpa-Uzhca, Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azoguez - Ecuador


Tenth cycle student in the Academic Administration Unit, Business degree at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca – campus Azogues.

Rosa Emperatriz Peralta-Yumbla, Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azoguez - Ecuador


Tenth cycle student in the Academic Administration Unit, Business Engineering degree at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca – campus Azogues.

Rosa Digna Yamasqui-Chávez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azoguez - Ecuador


Tenth cycle student in the Academic Administration Unit, Business degree at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca – campus Azogues.

Lesi Vanessa Giler-Escandón, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Administrative Sciences Engineer by Universidad Panamericana de Cuenca in 2006, Master in Tax Administration by Institute of Higher National Studies in agreement with the University of Cuenca, he is
studying a doctorate in Economics from the University of Alicante. He worked 7 years in the Servicio de Rentas Internas - SRI zonal 6 and is currently a professor - researcher at the Catholic University of Cuenca in the Academic Administration Unit. His areas of interest are: Taxes, Administration and related areas.


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