Vulnerability and Development in Ecuador

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Juan Alfredo Chiriboga-Pinos
Numa Inain Gaibor-Velasco
David Alexander Monteros-Pazmiño


Ecuador faces multiple challenges on its path to sustainable development, including poverty, inequality, natural disasters, and the effectiveness of its government policies. Approximately 25% of the population lives in poverty, a situation exacerbated in rural areas where access to basic services is limited. Labor informality and lack of economic opportunities are key factors in the persistence of poverty. Inequality in Ecuador is manifested in income, education and access to services, with a marked gap between rich and poor sectors. Educational quality is unequal between urban and rural areas, perpetuating the cycle of poverty and limiting inclusive development. The country is vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and floods, which have devastating effects on affected communities. Managing these disasters requires a comprehensive approach that includes prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. Government policies are crucial to reduce vulnerability and promote development. Programs such as the Human Development Bonus seek to support families in extreme poverty, but it is necessary to continually evaluate and adjust them. Furthermore, it is essential to promote policies that promote inclusive economic growth, productive diversification and environmental sustainability. Investment in infrastructure, education and health is essential to create an enabling environment for sustainable development. Only through a joint commitment between the government, civil society and the private sector will Ecuador be able to overcome its vulnerabilities and move towards a more just and resilient future.


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How to Cite
Chiriboga-Pinos , J. ., Gaibor-Velasco , N. ., & Monteros-Pazmiño , D. (2024). Vulnerability and Development in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 639-647.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Juan Alfredo Chiriboga-Pinos , Universidad Estatal de Bolivar - Ecuador

Professor at the State University of Bolívar and several IES 

Numa Inain Gaibor-Velasco , Universidad Estatal de Bolivar - Ecuador

Professor at the State University of Bolívar and several IES 


David Alexander Monteros-Pazmiño , Universidad Estatal de Bolivar - Ecuador

Professor at the State University of Bolívar and several IES 


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