Business practices related to environmental management in Ecuador

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Andreína Inés González-Ordóñez


Business environmental practices are defined as those actions that companies implemente with the purpose of reducing the negative environmental impact that originates from their operations and the processes they carry out, which contribute to better environmental performance. In this research, the environmental practices implemented by nine Ecuadorian companies were analyzed with the purpose of knowing the control they carry out of their negative environmental impacts. For its development, the documentary type theoretical approach was used, using the inductive method and the information was obtained through the content analysis technique. The companies studied use environmental practices in areas related to the use of materials, energy efficienty, control of water use, management of non-hazardous, hazardous and special waste, biodiversity management, reduction of the carbon footprint, among others, that are directly related to the type of operations they carry out. Each company establishes its environmental actions based on the processes it develops and in accordance with its line of business, however, it is important that it continue to improve its environmental actions by reviewing its processes and introducing new technologies and environmental innovations to increase its environmental performance.


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González-Ordóñez , A. . (2024). Business practices related to environmental management in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 427-442.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Andreína Inés González-Ordóñez , Universidad Metropolitana - Ecuador

He has been a professor at the Metropolitan University Machala headquarters for 8 years. Agronomist Engineer, Master Scientiarum in Health and Environmental Impact Assessment. PhD in Regional Development Planning and Management. I am part of the Research Project Management of companies and interest groups towards sustainability from social responsibility, linked to the career of Business Administration.


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